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Immigration Poll

Immigration Poll

Posted by Donald Dumpsfiels on 2006-12-13 19:33:19

People come to this country illegally just for work while we shipped in 140,000 people into Iraq with no permission and shot up the place. The idiot Iraqis responded by shooting each other. Used to be the only Arab country that you could grab some beer and video tapes and relax now look. Also why was 400 billion spent on Iraq to give help they did not want.

Posted by LiL-Daisy on 2007-02-11 17:30:21

When I am reading your comment right now, I am just thinking it will be nice if they give me this $400 billion.

Posted by LiL-Daisy on 2007-03-22 04:09:18

This is what happen when illegal Immigrants came to our country. (To read the whole story, visit: http://www.ksl.com/index.php?nid=148&sid=1013704)

Police Arrest Teen Accused of Slashing Girl's Throat.

This afternoon brings us new information about a brutal attack yesterday in Utah County. The victim is a 13-year-old girl, and her attacker is just 14. Police say the 14-year-old boy tried to rape her, and then used a knife and cut her throat, just missing a major artery. She ran away and got help.

Police had thought the suspect was 16 years old, but now they believe he is just 14. He's apparently from Mexico and has only been in the area a couple of weeks and is alone, with no family here. But now he is in a juvenile jail, facing attempted murder charges.

The charges against the attacker could include attempted homicide with a weapon, aggravated assault and attempted sexual assault and possession of a forged government document.

Posted by snickersfan15 on 2007-05-29 06:02:28


Almost all of my friends, who have immigrated to European contries (France, Germany, Spain, Italy, the UK) and the U.S., have done it illegally. And it was no problem, since they are hard-working, nice folks. Now, mostly all of them have foreign citizenship. Not everyone is mentally disordered for just immigrating illegally. It's true that background has a big impact upon a person's live. Most of my friends left because of poverty. And now they make a decent (some even a very good) living.