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sleeping with guys (guys only)

sleeping with another boy

Posted by B-parx23 on 2007-12-05 20:25:02

i agree i have never had sex with guys but slept with them many times

Posted by james_lee on 2007-12-06 07:01:44

I was 14 when my a friend of mine was comming over for a sleepover. We wore speedoes and slept together. We continuously felt each other's body. I even got on top of him.

Posted by dunnovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv on 2008-01-01 14:09:01

mates and i since younger have shared bed on sleep over. we mostly where our briefs (bit more smaller than US kind) and just touch each other up etc

we have done a litle foot play and sucking and pulled back our briefs and stuck it in a little. good fun

Posted by Rubberbum on 2008-06-06 16:41:34

Hi Im Richard 14 and am gay for sure as i only like my friends i sleep over with a fue of them and i allways suck! done even more if you got any questions for me? my email adress is rubberbum@gmail.com and i promace to reply

Posted by Q0023 on 2008-06-20 23:39:39

ok so here's the story. My cousin who is 17, a year older than me lives next door. We are bolth straight but I have never experimented and would like to do so with him. I have no idea what to do and would like some help.

P.s. I do not want to ruin the relationship I have with him or freek him out in any way. Just need help getting him to loosin up a bit.