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Why is America the worst country in the world?

u wanna know why???

Posted by shamrocker417 on 2007-08-15 01:40:50

america is NOT the worst country in the world! it has helped all ur lame $%!@ countries through out history! just because our president is dumb, doesnt mean you should blame the whole country for his mistakes. i didnt vote for him! neither did tons of other people! america is a free country, you people complain about it, yet you come here and make all your money. you are nothing but hypocritical, narrow-minded bastard

Posted by licky on 2007-08-15 19:40:39

actually i was born here

Posted by southbeach on 2007-08-19 00:20:38

Shamrocker I agree with some of what you said. I could not even vote at this poll. I find it sad that there are so many people out there that hate America in general. The only thing wrong with America right now is the president. America is not going to collapse sometime within the next 50 years folks. In my opinion, anyone who burns the American flag is a fool. America is not the worst country in the world. Most businesses in America have what is called an EEO agreement. In case some of you out there do not know what EEO stands for, it means Equal Opportunity Employment. My point is anyone that is a United States Citizen has a good chance at getting a job if they work at a place that has an EEO agreement, and that means they can support theirself as well as their family. This is alot more than I can say for most countries on this earth. Is America really the worst Country in the world? No, it is one of the best Countries in the world in many ways.

Posted by Jack Callens on 2007-08-19 21:42:53

You damn this country,yet you were born here!? People like you are all the same you bitch and cry yet offer no solution. If you don't like it here there's Canada to the North and Mexico to the South, so pick one and leave.

Posted by blanchedsoldier on 2007-09-19 12:25:35

The poll is truncated and does not allow you to say that the America will NEVER collapse. Not that i would pick that.America is like an eccentric youngster with ADD and you just have to live with them. I cant believe the devastation that has been caused in iraq (1.2 mill dead) and if it's about oil then America will suffer in long run for their avaricious yet bigoted aspersions. If its not about OIL then that would go a long way to show that America is not guilty of something in iraq. I realise the complex situation but what ?is America really doing to repair the devastation they have in most part caused.