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Shoes off at the door please

Shoes off!

Posted by tobermory on 2009-04-13 22:24:37

At my house visitors aren't asked to remove their shoes, although regular visitors do. My kids are trained to take their shoes off in the porch and put their slippers on, but they're not allowed to just be in their socks or bare feet.

Posted by markie32 on 2009-04-17 18:33:34

I totally agree. Shoes removed in the entrance hall(socks as well usually,)slippers on.

Posted by slman66 on 2009-08-31 18:52:01

Same here. At my house my boys know to take their shoes off when they come in and put their slippers on. No arguments. I don't mind them leaving their socks on, that's up to them. They also know to make sure any friends they bring back take their shoes off when they come in.

I usually take my shoes and socks off when I come in and put my slippers on, though sometimes I'll keep my socks on at first, but remove them later. Shoes are not allowed at all in my house. We have a cupboard by the door where they all go.

Posted by mark6962 on 2013-10-06 07:14:52

Same here Its shoes off and slippers on for the family

Posted by canadiangurl941 on 2014-06-25 19:37:13

Wearing slippers inside just seems weird to me. I've never met anyone that wore slippers inside.