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Boys who have spanked their girlfriend

My Ex-BF

Posted by sammyjp on 2009-01-26 23:52:18

my parents never punished me for anyhting so my Boyfriend took it upon himself to do so he would spank me anytime anywhere if i did something wrong almost always bare bottom ask me if you want more details

Posted by bubbaman27 on 2009-02-13 21:25:07

Please tell me more, and send pics if you have any=) bubbaman122427@yahoo.com

Posted by sammyjp on 2009-02-13 22:29:16

well what do you want to know...you have to be more specific

Posted by bubbaman27 on 2009-02-15 04:53:34

Tell me some of your expieriences. Did he ever do it in publi or in front of anyone? How did he do it? Just tell me about a couple times.

Posted by sammyjp on 2009-02-15 19:40:44

Well this one time about 2 minths ago (we broke up a month ago) he firmly belives that girls should not swear or anythng like that. well while hanging out at his house i got $%!@ed at his friend and told him to f off and my Bf immediatly grabbed me and pulled me over his knee on the couch and pulled my jeans and my panties down pulled my shirt up and off and undid my B cup bra and then spanked me till i was crying so hard i could not even scream anymore. needless to say this was humiliating since his friend got pics send me ur e-mail if you want to see.