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Armwrestling Mother vs. her 10 to 15 year old son

Unbeatable mom!

Posted by Del on 2005-05-11 17:40:10

Recently I was outside at an ice cream place when a mother and daughter arrived. The daughter, probably about 16, wore a sports uniform. She was cute and athletic looking, but didn't really have any visible muscular development.

The mom was slim, 50ish, and her face was a bit lined and tired looking. At first glance she looked like typical ageing housewife/mother. But then I noticed that her larger than average forearms laced with a network of thick veins. But that's not all -- when she lifted her ice cream cone up to lick it, an outrageously thick round biceps exploded out of her arm. It hardened and bounced as she moved the ice cream cone to eat it.

That mom definitely had the muscle in the family. She clearly works out regularly and maintains enough muscle to handle any 10-15 year old boy (regardless of his technique). I would have loved to see some of the boys there challenge her. She have might have toyed with them for awhile, but when she felt like putting their arms down, they wouldn't have been able to even slow her down.

It is so cool that this 50 year old mom built the kind of unbeatable arms that teenage guys would die to have. Many men too.