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School uniform [Short pants for boys]

Sons and shorts

Posted by yagmaget on 2008-06-16 10:19:49

My three sons attend schools that have long trousers as part of the uniform, but they are expected to wear shorts at home. Keeps 'em in their place!

Posted by alwayssurfing on 2008-06-22 15:49:25

Good for you. I'd do the same!

Posted by uklad on 2008-07-06 12:51:09

My Mum has pairs of school type shorts whick I have to wear when under punishment and i have to wear them if I go out. My g/f loves to come round when Im wearing them, my sister is always going round telling her. She never gets a similar punishment, its not fair

Posted by RegarT on 2008-08-10 16:13:52

My mum started the same with me with me this summer instead of being grounded. Its not too bad at the moment but I'm not looking forward to wearing them in the winter. My sister is punished by having to wear white knee socks with a skirt. I just wear trainers but my sister has some girls sandals which she hates.