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Not fair

Posted by Davymax on 2008-06-21 14:54:42

I think it's not fair on your son to make him wear such a ridiculous outfit if he doesn't want to. If he's a teenager he should be able to choose his own clothes. You need to lighten up on the poor kid.

Posted by prestige on 2008-06-22 09:30:26

I agree if true it is ridiculous, for a start these are not even genuine shortalls, which would still be very surprising in this day and age.

Though I have a feeling that this poll is a variation on the type of letters that sometimes appear in newspapers (and misterpoll) about how parents put their teenage boys into shorts always very short. In other words a complete fantasy.

I have no problem with fantasy, it can be fun, just needs a bit of honesty.

Posted by alwayssurfing on 2008-06-22 16:40:21

What the big world wide web (and jerry springer) shows is that one man's fantasy is another man's reality! There's weird stuff going on all the time man.

I don't think it's that fair either, but if your the Dad, then you should say what goes.