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Have you ever been Beaten Up?

Kameleon's Lesson to you for SELF DEFENSE.

Posted by Kameleon on 2008-08-25 10:00:39

I am now 16, but really short among my peers. I stand at 4 feet 11 1/2 inches. I HAVE to "say" 1/2 inches, because being short as I am, every quarter inches COUNT! I AM the shortest among ALL my friends!

In my high school, I was attacked in the parking lot by four outsiders who probably wanted money, or attack me and my Gal for "kicks". They approached from behind, but I could hear them coming. When I turned around, one of them came at me and was going to grab me. Around the same time, another one went for my Gal. NO time to think, NO time to panic. Just respond! I waited for that PUNK to come up to me, and I stepped aside, and threw him into the ground. Minus one. Then the one who went after my Gal, I lifted his arms off of her, hit him in his rib-cage, HOPING to fracture his ribs. Minus two. The third PUNK pulled out a butterfly knife, and was going to attack me, but then the security guard seen what was transpiring, and the two punks took off running.

OK, let me get right to the point. I KNOW it is a pain in the a$$ to be bullied in school. Or even beaten up. I NEVER was beaten up so far. But I will tell YOU, all you poll takers what you can do if and when you are ever attacked.

I took Jeet-kung-do (Master Bruce Lee form of kung-fu), Kempo, Kumite, and Dim-mak, what people think is the "touch of death". Well, I never learn it!!! I NEVER (believe it or not) achieve black belt in ANY of these martial arts! My dad would change my martial arts like every two years. But what I had learned from my past sen-sei will live with me for the rest of my life!

I will NOW share with you MY defensive fighting technic, as I learned from MANIC sensei(s).

(I will combine all lessons to save me time!)

When someone is throwing a punch at you, or is kicking you, he has declared war against you, and wants to hurt you, incapacitate you, or even KILL you! You have to END the fight as SOON as it STARTS! Most martial arts teaches you to block, then counter attack. Too SLOW! Ineffecient! Attack the strike that is coming at you! SO! As soon as the perpetrator is throwing a punch at you, strike at his arm that is coming at you! Break his wrist, albow, arm, whatever! If he is kicking you, break his leg with a strike, or a counter kick! Kick at his kick or punch at his kneecap that is coming at you! In other works, strike at the strike! Do NOT block, and then strike back! You will give him too much time to to think and re-attack you! Strike at the strike! End the attack as soon as it starts! Don't give that puke-headed PUNK one second to think! End the fight as soon as he starts it! Got the idea? If not, leave me your e-mail.

If he is coming at you, charging you, step aside when he is very close, and trip and grab the back of his head, and THROW him into the ground as hard as you can! You HAVE to instantly visualize your move as it happens!

OK. Most karate and kung-fu moves is all form. Kung-fu has the tiger, snake, monkey, and dragon (as well as others!). These are all forms. NOT function. It is a good idea to know these ONLY if you are going to attack someone who is a black belt in kung-fu!

ONE INCH PUNCH: IF you see karate masters and black belt students break a load of bricks and piles of wood, their hand motion will be around 11 - 18 inches. That is a long "wind-up". You can achieve the same power with only one inch! YUP! Practice! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! A lighted candle is what I sometimes use. Put your fist one inch from the flame, and visualize carefully, and strike at the flame, and you MUST stop your punch exactly where you started it. If you practice enough, and you do it right, the flame should go out by the wind and energy you creat in that punch. Also you can start with practicing breaking 1/2" then 3/4 inch birchwood or oak. And don't use plywood!

That yelling before a strike: DON'T yell! Wasted energy! ALL your FULL energy will be concentrated on your strike (punch or kick)!!!

Read books about Dim-mak, to learn where the pressure points are, as well as the striking points are. You be surprise how YOU can bring down someone three times your size!!! A certain jab in their wrist will make a 300 pound bully cry, and cry, like Nancy Carrigan!

Condition and practice breaking bones using one inch thick GREEN bamboo filled with water, by drilling a 1/4 hole on the side, fill the bamboo with water, and then sealing that hole. BE CAREFULL! YOU CAN BREAK YOUR BONES in your hand or wrist if you don't start small, like a small stick, and then a thin bamboo, like a fishing pole, and then work your way up to the one inch thick ones.

FOCUS! Watch your attacker! Look at his eyes while focusing on his punch coming at you! Then STRIKE HARD and swift! FOCUS on the strike point! His wrist, albow, or if he is a worth-less punk, and you KNOW you won't go to jail or something for breaking his arm or leg, well? Break his arm or leg! BUT! This is only for extreme measure! The best thing is to incapacitate your attacker as soon as he attacks you! I sould had left out the breaking bones part. My bad!

All this I "told" you should be used ONLY for a defensive move! The perpetrator should make the first move! Do NOT make the first move, or the first strike! Or YOU will be the aggressor and the bully!

Another reason for the attacker to make the first move. You will DOUBLE his injury! Example: Two cars are coming at each other at 30 miles per hour in a head-on collision. The point of impact will be at 60 miles an hour! Get the idea? When his punch or kick is coming at you, your counter punch or kick will double the force against him! Understand? Strike at his strike! Double his injury!

OH! Did I say, "practice, PRACTICE, PRACTICE"!

But that was what I was thought when I was between the age of 5 - 11!!!

And to those who wish to know what dojo I practiced in... SORRY! All the dojo(s) has shut down! Economic problem, or the sensei was not sticking to TRADITIONAL fighting! There is only ONE dojo I re-visited..... in Okinawa. I had the pleasure of meeting with the new kumite sensei there. And for fun, I wanted to spar with his top black belt student. At first, I thought I was out of my mind, but as the students came in, he found his top student, and we faced each other. I explained myself to his student, and the sparing begun, when the sensei gave his hand signal. A simple bow to each other, and he was pranching around, I stood still, with both fist in negative (fingers closed towards my body), arms apart at 8 degrees. He trid to psyche me by coming at me, but I did not flinch. He was too far from me anyway. He seemed perplexed. Then he came at me throwing me a punch, and I struck back at his arm, but lightly not to cause injury, and grabbed his arm I struck, and pulled him foward beyond when I stood, tripping him, at the same time, grabbing the back of his neck, and slaming him into the mat. Fight over. Everyone, including the sensei was stunned. I carefully offered my hand to help him up, waiting if he was going to counter attack. I felt that he was going to, and I grabbed his wrist, and jabbed at his wrist, and he was down! He yelled "owarite!" I give up!

Oh, yeah, the incident at my high school? The police came, and then the ambulance. I heard over the ambulance radio that the one I threw into the ground had a concusion and a hemotoba (whatever that is), and the other punk just had a bruised and slight fractured rib. Dealing with the police about self defense is another problem. I got away with it only because the school security seen what had happened, and the police seen me being so short, and the attackers were NOT students of my school. However, one police officer said that I could be arrested for assault on school campus! EGAD! But, one year later, NOPE! So, be wary if you have to attack your attacker!

Knife attack: Same as a punch coming at you. FOCUS! Focus on the blade, step aside, and strike the wrist holding that knife. BREAK that wrist! Kick that knife away, unless his friends are around, then grab the knife, but do NOT stab him! YOU will be charged for aggravated assault and attempted murder!

Baseball bat attack. You have to block the bat strike at you with your HAND! FOCUS! Absorb the impact with your hand, then immediately grab the bat, and strike the punk in the wrist that is holding the bat. Grab the bat away from him! Strike at his KNEE. Do NOT strike him on his head, or you will be charged for aggravated assault and attempted murder! See the consenquences?

Practice, practice, PRACTICE! And if you are attacked, FOCUS! FOCUS!! FOCUS!!!

Don't let yourself continuesly being bullied! And be wary that they may retaliate with more punks, or weapons! But YOU have to make YOUR STAND!

Posted by A7Xvengeance666 on 2008-09-12 20:18:09

i hate life..........cuz im emo........and get beaten the $%!@ out of me almost every fukin day and im in 7th grade

Posted by Kameleon on 2008-09-18 09:24:39

The BEST thing to do is..... FIGHT BACK! Read and study my LONG lesson and read up about said martial arts in my post. Then..... PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE!!!

Posted by Lolcatz on 2009-02-24 00:19:52

What a load of BS, mate, anybody can type a list of crappy instructions into a polling forum. Nobody cares what you can do, nor do i beieve you can do it but there you go.

Posted by lovetodoit on 2009-05-03 13:29:12

You say you never were beaten up?? I am willing to say that you get beaten up 2 or 3 times a week.