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Girls, Underarms, Tickling, and feeling naughty ;)

Tickling Upperbody

Posted by Alexdude on 2008-11-15 19:48:49

I am very much into tickling as foreplay for consenting persons and as a fun way to laugh and have a good time. From the time I was very little I have been attracted to female armpits, thinking about and actually tickling them. When I see a cute girl wearing a sleeveless top my eye goes to their arms and armpits before other more conventional areas of her body. Some women are attracted to a man's hands or arms or butt or eyes. I have been blessed and cursed being a man attracted to a girls' arms and armpits.

Even when I was very young, it was a sexual attraction for me. It grew into a full blown 'fetish' (although I hate the negative connotations of that word) when I hit puberty.

I think, compared to other people's fetishes such as S&M, feet, balloons, and private areas of the body, being attracted to a smooth, sensitive armpit is probably no big deal. Every girl I ever told about it thought it was cute and wore sleeveless clothes to turn me on.

I would love to hear from men, women, girls, boys of any age who would like to share either similar thoughts, or just share incidences where someone tickled their armpits or you tickled someone else's armpits and how it felt for you.

Since I am opening this to all ages, please keep it PG13 rated or I will delete the post. It's okay to say you were sexually excited but please don't get into detail about that.

Posted by Tickling fun on 2008-11-17 08:49:53

Hello, my friend. I am in the same condition like you but with a little difference. I like girls feet. It's the first place in their body that I check before anything else. And I also dislike to describe this as a 'fetish'. I like to see girls walking barefoot and I like to tickle them (not only in their feet, but this is the place I want them to be more ticklish). Also I don't like this silly lick-their-toes way, I believe it's completely disgusting (that's why I don't call my condition a fetish). Of course I'm not so lucky like you. Girls wear really often sleeveless tops but they don't separate their shoes (well, at least not in my region). The best thing I can hope for are sandals or flip-flops and only during summer. That's the only way for me to see their feet. Of course, a barefoot girl attract me really hard. Once I saw a girl wakling barefoot in a football field and I could hardly breath. You must know something that I understand 17 years in this condition. Attracted by an another place in a girls body except their private areas is not something bad. It's something special. Because many girls trap boys by showing them you-know-what and they have problems by the mistakes they have done this way. But when a crafty girl don't know how to attract you, you have the upper hand! So, be proud for your ability, don't share it with others, use it for the best and Get Your Game On!

Posted by heeheesarah on 2008-12-19 14:34:28

I think tickleing is realy fun and a turnon too. I always loved being tickled esp my underarms. Its a very intense tickle spots on me. My dad and my uncle used to tickle me to death and they still torchure me sometimes like last thanksgiving they held me and tickled me. They like to tickle me alot when i were sleevless tops too cause they can get to my underarms better to really tickle me llike insanely!! Boys know they can get to me if they tickle me under the arms to. I'm totally helpess when they do that!!! Yea ppl tickle me there ALL THE TIME!! but its fun :)

Posted by karina2001 on 2009-01-01 09:57:54

Hello Takis,

what a pity that you don't met me when I was 16/17. I always loved to be barefoot. At home and in public. And I would have presented my feet willingly for endless tickling. It is always sad if somebody can not live out his desires.

I always helped my friends when they needed something in this way.

Love, Karina

Posted by Alexdude on 2009-01-03 06:01:21

I really wish we would stay on topic and talk about upperbody tickling.