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Bedtime punishment for a fifteen year old

Why At This Age

Posted by Helen61 on 2008-11-17 19:39:43

I think I as his guardian know what is best for my nephew.I want him to act more responsible but if he behaves like a six year old then he deserves to be treated as one. The tantrums are all about attention seeking which he doesn't get tucked up in bed. If you witnessed his unreasonable behaviour you would recommend spanking him also. he admits himself that he acts like a baby at times. As for choosing his own pyjamas, well that task appeared beyond him picking horrible tee shirt and shorts combination's with aggressive or vulgar motifs. All I ask is that he wear sensible warm pyjamas. The pyjamas I made were just from an oddment of flannel I had in my sewing box. They are no different to expensive "novelty" pyjamas I have seen advertised. He should be grateful and wear them (as he is at this very moment) regardless.

Posted by kateddmom on 2008-11-17 20:03:23

"I think I as his guardian know what is best for my nephew." I am not sure a court would agree. I believe in appropriate corporal punishment and corner time in a family, but this infantilizing of your nephew sounds like it is for your emotional pleasure rather than for his healthy growth and development.

I agree with Suzy Cue and urge you to reconsider this abusive behavior of yours.

Posted by Helen61 on 2008-11-17 20:35:46

I strongly resent and reject the term "abusive behaviour". My nephew is spanked certainly, but a few slaps of his pyjama clad bottom and ten minutes reflective time in the corner surely comply with your, "I believe in appropriate corporal punishment and corner time in a family, "

In regard to my infantilising my nephew, I believe he is acting this way on purpose for my attention.Early bedtimes and wearing his pyjamas will not harm him. He obeyed my house rules without question until recently and is currently conforming with my punishment, something I could not physically force him to do against his will.

Posted by bgt 08021991 on 2008-11-17 21:27:27

i agree wholely with suzi cue + kateddmom.

spanking and other physical abuse is no way to treat a human being.

he is 15 not 10 so i think that his "bedtime" of 8pm is very early. i think at that age he should be allowed to stay up to 10pm on school nights and 11pm on weekends & in school holidays. also he should be allowed to go out with friends on friday & saturday evening not cooped up dressed in his pyjamas by 6 pm. the most important thing is that he gets the correct amount of sleep not endless hours.

i dread to think about the other things you restrict him from doing. oh yeah by the way helen61 you are not a good guardian whatever you may think!

Posted by Rico Suave on 2008-11-18 00:11:30

I also do not automatically associate spanking or corporal punishment with physical abuse. Under what kind of circumstances did he arrive in your life? Perhaps it would be appropriate to supply for us some background in order to put the situation in broader context.