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I have to pee!

Did you pee your pants at school (girls only)

Posted by Lucy7890 on 2014-08-17 15:02:43

I need to go RIGHT NOW but im holding it in to write this. The bathroom's next door so not far to go! Wish me luck!

Posted by missfuking on 2016-04-02 16:35:32

Or just spread your legs and $%!@ in your knickers ;)

Posted by missfuking on 2016-04-09 01:32:44

Go on just $%!@ing $%!@ it! I usually have $%!@ed when I write messages on here, or am $%!@ing! It's nothing unusual for me! Advantages of a plastic chair, just sit there and soak your knickers!

Posted by missfuking on 2016-04-10 02:08:22

I must admit I'm a bit lazy with the cleanup!

I do smoke yes. I'm not one for going outside or being tidy with it but I suppose it does go some way to covering up the smell! Smoke is one most don't like, but it's not as awkward as explaining why your house smells of $%!@ to visitors! A lot of my smoker friends don't smoke in their houses now, so we meet at mine a lot because I don't give a $%!@. I'm not exactly house proud so it's the easiest way. The extra smoke helps cover the smell too! I'm not sure I'd recommend taking up smoking, obviously there's the health implications and it isn't getting any cheaper. That said I don't want to give up. Good job because then I'd notice the smell, and even I'll admit it gets everywhere! Not a problem if you smoke but it is if you don't!