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Parental attitudes towards teenager masturbation

Zero tolerance

Posted by elena_ravich on 2009-02-03 22:26:40

My daughter is 11 years old. I always taught her that the labia and the whole area between he legs is a place of shame and guilt. Even when she was a baby I consistently moved her hands and expressed disapproval when she touched herself there. I always washed her there with cold water. Even as toddler she was never allowed not to be undressed. I insisted that in bed she is laying straight on her back. The cover blanket is tugged under the mattress on both sides of the bed so it is tight and restricting. Her hands must be folded and over the cover blanket. I have made sure that she knows that the labia is a very private part of her body and also a place it is very naughty and sinful to touch and look at and to allow other to see. It is something I mostly have taught her by the example my mother and I (I am a widow and we live with my parents) are showing and by how I react when the matter somehow pops up. Except for when we have talked about The Fall, the fig leaf, the original sin we have not have lengthy talks about these things before she turned 10. I am now slowly telling her about female matters and that she will within the next few years begin menstruating. I tell her about it little by little and I emphasize that like everything else considering that part of her body it is shaming and impure, something that is secret and naughty to speak about except for with me and her grandmother. To mention it to other people and especially to males is very naughty and sinful. I have explained to her that the reason other women and I celebrate the Holy Communion as often and regularly as the men the reason is that we on “that” time of the month are impure. In connection with this I am also telling her that she will at times have feelings that at time seem nice and pleasant. She probably will experience also a desire to touch or in other ways manipulate the forbidden part of her body in order to increase the nice and pleasant feelings, but those feelings are the devil’s temptation. To give in to those feelings and follow the devil’s call is a terrible sin. Jesus, the Holy Mother and her own father will cry in heaven if she ever does it and not only her grandparents and I but also God will be very angry with her. The guilt and shame will be tremendous and the penance will be very heavy and painful. But the devil will laugh and be happy and he will continue tempting her and depraving her. As she grows older I will tell her what she at the time needs to know and at the time is old enough to understand about female matters, the changes of her body during puberty, and sex. I will always emphasize the importance of purity and modesty and chaste. I will do whatever is necessary to make sure that my daughter one day enters her marriage pure and untouched as a proper Christian bride should. Elena

Posted by westwarrior on 2009-02-21 07:17:18

wow. its natural. let her do it.

Posted by skirtchaser19 on 2009-02-21 10:55:48

Agreed pluss... shouldnt she have a choice?

Posted by Murdock12 on 2010-03-30 21:46:35

wow, your a $%!@ing freak lady

Posted by KaTrina1104 on 2010-03-31 23:28:37

Wow all that is your choice, but I also feel that you setting yourself up for major dissappointment. I pray that you can manage yourself if that ever happen because with a response like that I think you will kill her and yourself. But youmust do what you think is best. God Bless.