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Best Linux distro....

Posted by Sebastian on 2001-12-27 09:45:43

I think (and I am convinced) that one of the best distros is the one conceived and realized by you. My vote for poll was, however, SuSe, because I know that is a very solid distr. with many enhancements among the others. I currently use a RH 7.2 but it's far away from a mature (or even a 28 yrs. old :-) Linux. Visit http://www.linuxfromscratch.org and let Gerard Beckman (I hope my spell is ok) show you how to build your own distro.

Posted by akt93 on 2006-06-14 14:44:44

The best would have to be Ubuntu

Posted by Da KiNG on 2006-12-04 07:37:23

Ubuntu Rules..Add it to the list if you can