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The Totally Wacked-Out Poll by A Person Who Needs Some Sleep

You Are Not Alone

Posted by DSCH190676 on 2002-11-05 01:59:19
I wish to proclaim unto all who may read this, that I too, enjoy remaining awake far past my curfew, and into the wee hours of the night, surfing the internet. Also, I must admit to the fact that, even I can grow weary, and do some queer things. However, the creator of this poll has been awake for a far too extensive period of time. My good friend, you need some sleep! I asssume that either you consume a stimulant, such as caffiene, in excessive quanities at one time, or you merely imply some other method of staying awake far past the point in which ones brain is capable of functioning in the proper fashion, thus causing a substanial decrease in a persons intulectual capabilities, and the general stability of their mind. The poll was enjoyable, and by all means whimsical, but it would be wise if you obtained more rest, and foucus your mind on something else, so you can reap the grains of life. By the way, I'm from the United Kindome. LONG LIVE THE KING!
Posted by The guy who made that one poll on 2006-12-11 07:37:20

I too stay up until I get tired of typing/the TV starts showing infomercials.