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No Longer Resist Being Dressed Up All The Time

Great Idea!

Posted by ethan15 on 2009-04-13 23:33:40

I'm glad that you got to wear your suit all day,But, I was just wondering? I'f this is how you want to dress, than how come you don't do it more often? As for myself,as I stated in my story, this is how I dress everyday,as institiuted by my mom. For me in the begining,it was truly, a battle. I didn't want to wear these clothes,because of the peer pressure from my other friends that don't dress this way. But, in time I have truly come to love being dressed this way,I don't know if it was some kind of brainwashing by my mom or what,but, when I put on my clothes(that by the way,are still layed out for me by my mom,she puts the outfits together,and lays everything out for me,if it is to be a suit,sportcoat,tuxedo,dinner jacket,the shoes, socks,accesseries ie-cufflinks,collarbar etc.) I have no choice in what I will wear,I just have to put on whatever she chooses for me,no questions asked)ANYWAY, whem I put on my clothes(that have been chosen for me) I just have come to enjoy how they feel on me,and when i look at myself in the mirror,I love how I look. It has come to the point now(that if I owned casual clothes anymore,which I do not) I don't think I would be happy wearing them,I am so used to wearing dress clothes,I think I would feel naked,wearing anything else.Infact I am sitting here now typing this,wearing a black pinstriped 3-piece suit that mom layed out for me today. As for yesterday,(it being Easter,I was in my tuxedo,with a vest with all kinds of pastel(easter colors)with matching bow tie all day.Mom got me up at 5:00 am to get me dressed for the day,and I stayed dressed that way till bed time at 9:00 pm.

Posted by uniformedboy on 2009-05-29 13:38:34

If your parents were to lock you into a uniform they could use this approach. Although a little extremed but it will keep you smartly disciplined in uniform.

Put on your shirt as normal. Buttoned up with starched collars. Then put on your v-neck pullover. As you put your tie on, tie your tie thru the tag of your v-neck pullover and tightened your tie as normal, tight and stiff under your starched collars of your shirt. Then put on your blazer/jacket as normal.

With a long sleeve shirt, tie and pullover, you basically can't undo your tie as its tied thru your tag on the v-neck pullover and you can't take your pullover off due to the tie, and you have your blazer/jacket on also, to technically you must remain in uniform regardless..

With the combination of long trousers and hot weather you have to remain dressed this way and sit it out no matter what...

Posted by ethan15 on 2009-06-20 12:47:24

Hey vaulter, I guess I know how you feel about wearing a uniform, but evan though I don't wear a blazer with a school patch on it, I guess you can say I wear a uniform every day. I wear what is required by my mom, whether it might be a suit,blazer/sportjacket with a pullover or vest or my tuxedo. but what ever anyone might want to call it, to me anymore, it is just my everyday clothes. In the begining it really used to bother me, when my mom would take me out to the mall, for what ever reason, in a 3-piece suit, and other kids would come up to me and ask me why I was wearing those clothes. I felt wierd, all the other kids staring at me,and pointing, but it doesn't bother me any more, infact I kind of like the attention I get. But now when some kid might come up to me and ask me, why am I wearing those clothes, my response to them all the time is, Why are you wearing those clothes? and that is usually how it ends. But evan though I have gotten used to wearing dress clothes all the time, ther are still times when I feel out of place, like I was some how transported back in time to one of those T.V. shows they made in the 1950's (like Leave It to Beaver)where they wore a jacket and tie out just about everywhere. I mean, you can't help but get looks from almost everybody in this day and age when your dad takes you to a baseball game,and your mom has dressed you in a sportcoat and tie to go to it.Or better yet, don't think for a moment you are not going to get alot of attention when you are at an amusement park and you are standing on line to ride a rollercoaster in a jacket and tie. But it did get me alot of special treatment one time, when thwy took me to disneyworld, and I was wearing a three piece suit. Anyway, it is just another day in my life,but at times, it just kind of gets to you,when you open that closet door and you look and take a moment to think about the situation, while staring at 30 blazers/sportcoats 15-suits 2-black tuxedos 1-white dinner jacket and I have lost count of how many dress shirts,ties vests and pullover sweaters.

Posted by ethan15 on 2009-07-26 00:24:47

Hello Snuggtie,

Thanks for taking time to write,and by all means, you may ask me questions, I don't mind at all. I have a quick one for you> Have you been dressing up lately? Just curious? Anyway back to your questions for me. I was 12 yyears old when my mom changed my way of dress and started to dress me this way. I am now 15 years old.So for the last three years I have always been in a suit and tie,sportcoat and tie with sweater vest,pullover,or waistcoat (vest)No matter how hot the weather might be. and when decied on by mom, I wear my tuxedo or white dinner Jacket. AS far as how has it changed since, the only thing that is different now then in the begining, is mom is letting me start to put together the outfit to be worn, and she looks it over, and if she approves, I am allowed to wear it. (now when I say she is allowing me to put the outfit together, she tells me what I am to wear((suit, 3-piece suit,sport coat and tie,tux,dinner Jacket) and I am allowed to pick the shirt, tie,pullover,swaeter vest,or vest) and if and when she approves of what I put together looks, she then allows me to get dressed)Now for your next question. It started out that the new kid on the block(who I will call justin)and myself were for the longest time the only 2 in the neighborhood to dress this way.For quite a while my best friend(who I will call steve) had pulled away from me,and would treat me like we treated justin which caused me to wind up dressed the same as justin.Any way he (also decided by his mother) Is now dressed this way all the time like justin and myself. well to make a long story short, ther are now five of us in the neighborhood dressed this way 365 days a year. (Funny thing though, my best friend steve in time confided in me, that after my mom started dressing me this way for making fun of justin,he deep down in side liked the way justin and myself looked dressed this way,and wanted to dress the same way as us,and figured the best way to get this accomplished was to give justin and myself a hard time, in the hopes that his mom would do to him as my mom did to me,and in time that was exactely what happened,so he is happy to dress as we do, and now the three of us are the very best of friends,we are like three peas in a pod)as for your last question if I could would I change anything? If asked this question 3 years ago when this started, I would say plenty. but now i have got to say for myself, I would change nothing,I love the way I dress,i love how I am treated in general, by the public for how I dress, All in all I just love evrything in total. As for anything else, I guess the one thing I would like to change is: I would like to see the men and boys in the world be like they were in times agao, and I would like to see men and thier sons wearing a suit and tie,or sportcoat and tie, when they are out and about,(well really just wear it all the time)I just feel that when I listen to older people when they tell me stories of when they were my age, and this was the normal way to dress all the time, they feel that everybody seemed to feel more pride about themselves,and for others, and they had alot more respect for each other, and were more caring towards each other, and more concerned for their fellow human beings wellfair. Now some people might say BULL! it isn't being dressed this way all the time that caused people to be that way, and I guess everyone is allowed to have their own oppinion, but in closing I will say this, When they see me dressed this way, they bring it up to me, not the other way around,and the feeling i decribed just before are infact directed at me by these people, so in my mind, there seems tobe something to it. Hope this sheds some light on your questions I guess I will talk at you later. Ethan

Posted by ethan15 on 2009-08-08 09:22:58

Hey Corey, Yes, I do wear a suit,or a blazer,or sportcoat, with either a pullover sweater,sweatervest,or vest, to school every day. Well in a nut shell I wear one of them every day no matter what. Whether at home,or I go to the movies with my friends,or to the arcade, etc. From the time I get up each morning, till the time when I go to bed, I am wearing any one of the fore mentioned outfits. Infact, as I am writing this,I am dressed in my "Suit Of The Day" we are getting ready to go on a day trip to a museum. Mom is allowing ( steve and justin) to go with us. I am very excited. As far as a boy moving on your block, so that you could be dressed this way, because your mom would do what my mom did, What are the chances? But if you as you say, would truly like to dress in a suit all the time, why don't you just tell your mom that is what you want to do. You just never know, she might just love the idea. Then again who knows, maybe she already in her mind would like for you to dress in a suit all the time( It just seems there are alot of moms out there that would love to see there boys dressed up all the time) and she just doesn't want to bring up the idea, because she might not want to upset you. I mean I am not sure what your family structure is. some of my friends parents are like that, and don't want confrontation with their kids, and then there are parents like mine,(mainly mom) that doesn't care in the begining how upset I might have gotten, she is the parent, she makes the rules and thats that! So like I said, just tell your mom how you feel, and who knows, maybe you will become the kid on the block that changes how a ll the kids on the block will dress in the future.