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Young boys (14-) stronger than older girls (16+)


Posted by Tip Wilkin on 2009-04-03 04:47:00

First post! also, please tell me that this is for real, 'cause if it is, AWSM!

Posted by GirlsAreLight on 2009-04-08 04:48:19

Of course it's for real...

Posted by Tip Wilkin on 2009-04-08 15:52:54

srsly?!?! no bull?

Posted by NameOrHandle on 2009-04-08 18:25:43

I definitely believe it. There's a similar kid in my neighborhood. He's 13 and carry both me and my girlfriend, and me and my brother, one on each shoulder. (I'm almost 16). He's pretty well built so he's stronger than most other kids, but I agree it can happen.

Posted by Ticklish-Girly-Arms on 2010-02-11 14:34:00

The average 13 year old boy is actually stronger than an average 17 year old girl, as girls stop developing muscle mass in their early teens, and are weaker to start with. The top 5% of 13 year old boys are actually twice as strong as the bottom 5% of teenage girls and even women, so overpowering two girls at once, while remarkable, is not impossible. The most dramatic instance I heard of like this was when a 16 year old friend was constantly being wrestled and tickled by a 9 year old boy she was babysitting, and when she had her friend help her one day he actually held down and tickled them both. They were both very skinny though, and he was very big for his age and good at judo as well, but even so, it must have been such a buzz for him to do that.