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What is the Best 2d animation market in the US?

Posted by Trials on 2021-04-13 07:54:00

Im looking to have a career change into pre production 2d animation, specifically character design and storyboarding. Im mostly self taught, so what would be a good route to go about getting a job and where is a good location to start?

Posted by Damio on 2021-04-16 16:14:47

Hey there! You should try applying to a company like Wow-How studio. It will be a great headstart for you career! They specialize in 2d and 3d animation, and your skills will be a great addition to a team that works on explainer video production. You should totally send them your CV! Good luck!

Posted by Shelly03 on 2024-03-28 11:31:48

Hey that is great idea. With animation industry growing you can surely try it. You can apply atellier studio it is best company for Product explainer video