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Religion & education

A minor quibble...

Posted by Free Your Mind on 2009-04-28 13:41:48

A generally excellent poll, but I would point out something that all similar polls in the future should take into consideration as well: atheism is not a religion as it requires no belief in the supernatural or in myths, nor any ritual observances. If mentioned in the same poll question as religions, they should then be termed "belief systems", "moral/ethical foundations", or some such.


Posted by espoir66 on 2009-09-05 20:58:34

I agree fully with Free your Mind and I am happy to see that I am on the same wavelenght as the great majority of other participants. Indeed, public schools must not impose religion on students and no religious ideas should be included in science classrooms. But, as religion is a part of the culture of a nation, it is desirable that classes in religious culture involving the serious study of all main religions of the world might be taught at evey grade of the curriculum. Public schools should not be allowed to impose their beliefs on students. No preaching , no proselytism, no promotion of any peculiar religion. It goes without saying that universities and colleges have the right ro reject a student's course credit, if it doen't meet the standards of the institution. It is also agreed upon that there should be no influence by any religion in public schools.

Posted by Tamz76 on 2009-12-30 20:08:16

Agnostic also... is NOT religion

and once again Pagan was not listed...

Posted by shaun h on 2012-07-27 17:03:50

Both "agnostic" and "atheist" could be deemed as a belief system and as such could be seen as a form of religious belief, even though a person describing themself by this tag, would not class themself as being religious. Got to agree witht the last poster, why didn't you include "pagan" as an option? Contrary to what the established church would have you believe, we're NOT satanists, because satan does not exist in our belief system! This character is a concept of the Judeao-Christian tradition, and was later adopted by the Islamic faith.