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Do we need a military?


Posted by U S A on 2009-05-11 13:10:21

Perhaps it’s just a joke.

Even kindergarten students realize without a military the enemies would storm over and commit the worlds’ largest mass murder.

“ I will stand with them should the political winds of war shift in an ugly direction ”—bàŕâçk ೫ಲšš¡êಗ öbámà

Posted by WAX on 2009-05-29 19:16:22

We currently do need one. I long for the day when everyone in the world can live in harmony and we will not need one. That will not be possible as long as there is religion in the world.

Posted by totoro on 2009-06-24 06:07:26

I too wish we could all live in harmony (and this really doesn't seem like rocket science when you think about it), but we do need to defend ourselves. We do not however need to invade and occupy any countries that pose no real threat to us. Maybe one day we will realize that actually we are all human beings, none of us more human than anyone else. Differances based on "race" (a scientifically invalid concept) or religion (unproven belief systems that we CHOOSE to have faith in) are actually quite meaningless.

Posted by U S A on 2009-12-18 15:00:00

Try convincing racist and dictator-cringer hussein obowma.

He had the dweebs write into the health“care” bill some races shall be given preferential treatment over other races in giving spots in medical schools, even if they are far less qualified.

I guess substandard doctors are good enuff for obamorons, however I shall continue to use a doctor based on merits, not race.


              → → → → →|||||obamorons are herded|||||← ← ← ← ←

Posted by totoro on 2009-12-18 17:27:46

USA/Ninaleann: Previously you denied calling Obama a racist. Now you are calling him a racist. I guess the talking points that you have been given by Faux News/Newsmax have changed. Your inconsistancy is getting confusing.