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What gender is God

Does God have gender?

Posted by MikeZ on 2012-07-28 12:53:50

Although God is usually referred to as "He" (except by people with an over-developed concept of inclusiveness), this doesn't mean that He is male or masculine in the sense that we use the word today.

For one thing, assigning a biological trait to an omni-present omnipotent being is rather like asking what colour eyes the wind has (unknown, unknowable, and irrelevant).

The use of the masculine pronoun in the Bible does not necessarily reference to a masculine or male being. In the Biblical languages, as in many modern ones (e.g. French), there was no word for "it", and the masculine pronoun was used where the gendr was unknown, indeterminate, or variable, as well as in references to large groups; a group consisting of men and women would be referred to as though they were all men, for example.

The nearest we have to God's gender being specifically stated is Jesus's references to His "Father". This is not, however, as obvious as it may seem. Since His mother was known to be Mary, referring to His other parent as anything other than Father would have been absurd. In addition, the same concept of masculine preference as above would apply when referring to God - if the gender is unknown, treat as masculine.

Therefore, just because we refer to God as He, does not mean we know God is male. It means we don't know, and referring to the Supreme Being as It seems not a little disrespectful.