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Cloning Ethics

Re: Benifits

Posted by fableked on 2002-08-25 00:10:39

I have to agree, every person will be unique despite what genetic sludge they end up with. We could clone Einstein a thousand times and never have an Einstein(1-1000) who had the drive, the knowledge-base, the motives, etc. exactly the same as Einstein. The same with Hitler, Geroge Washington, or anyone else.

All humans are basicly evil and our upbringing is all that prevents us from acting upon our base instincts. Our personality is more nurture over nature, because if nature had its course we would be sitting around a campfire holding bones from slaughtered animals, ready to 'get' anyone who comes close to us.

One last paragraph and my sermon will end here. My belief is that cloning mixed with careful genetic manipulation would be a good thing, but I would never support the cloning of an entire organism. Unfortunately, if we tried saying we only wanted to clone specific organs for repacement organs, we would still have bozos out there who cannot realize that organs are the ethical limit. We will always have people who want to go beyond single organs. Therefore, it is my unfortunate conclusion that we cannot allow scientific cloning of any kind from tissue and organs all the way up to full organisims such as humans animals.