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Effective Punishments for Boys

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Posted by It'sIt on 2009-08-04 08:01:37

Well, it may be "old-fashioned" & thought perverse, but one of the most proven successfully effective/resultant ways - especially with teenage boys - is by making them spend a stint(s) having to go donned in a pair of snug-fitting short shorts. With the way things are today, however, doing this would be another matter...

Posted by MyBoysDad on 2009-08-08 19:58:20

I have never seen anyone use this method. It sounds like it might work with some boys but others would enjoy the attention so much it might not be effective with them. But then, no form of punishment is effective with every boy. One has to find the right method for each individual boy. Thanks for taking my poll and double thanks for taking the time to leave a constructive comment.

Posted by Olip on 2009-08-09 00:23:52

I heard my dad tell another dad one time that he thinks it doesn't really help you until you're crying really hard, and when you start crying, then it starts to be effective. So he told that other dad to keep licking his kid for a while after he was crying. My dad always gives it to me that way. Its really bad when you get it!!!! But I gotta admit, it helps you grow up.

Posted by MyBoysDad on 2009-08-09 14:26:30


I would say your dad is a smart man. That's the way I have spanked my boys also. Although when they were young they were already crying before I even started spanking them. My youngest is a teen now and he tries really hard not to cry so he don't start until he has recieved a few wacks, but I continue until I know he has submitted and is crying for real.

Posted by small_cockd_boy on 2009-08-09 18:11:03

my dad would disagree. he believes that, when spanking is involved, humiliation is more important than pain. he goes out of his way to degrade and embarass me. of course, he understands that inflicting pain is one of the most effective ways to embarass a boy (everyone is humiliated by being brought to tears), but the pain is really only a means to an end.

i can say from experience that this does indeed work. the feeling of deep, deep shame is almost always enough to make me think twice about breaking the rules.