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The Jews

A couple questions didn't have a choice that fit me.

Posted by totoro on 2009-10-01 14:34:50

A couple of the questions did not have a choice that fit my positon.

-On the "friends" question: I have quite a few very good Jewish friends, but my best friend is not Jewish.

-My beliefs are Pagan. Not covered in the last question. I put Buddhist because it is probably closest to the way I see things out of all of your options.

-I am gay, so I couldn't marry a Jewish person (or anyone else)even if I wanted to. Otherwise, it wouldn't matter to me as long as the person I married accepted my belief system and didn't force theirs on me (true of any religion).

You do bring up some great points though. Judaism is a religion, not an ethnicity. I am not Jewish myself, but I have never understood why so many people have had such extreme haterid towords Jewish people. Alot of the stereotypes still exist, even in L.A. where I live, where there is a very large Jewish population. I still hear alot of the stereotypes like "Jews are stingy" and the like, which is funny to me, because some of my Jewish friends are the most generous people I know. The only "tendency" I have found with Jewish people I know is a sense of tolerance and empathy. Of course when it comes down to it we are all human with the same blood and organs-lots of great people in any subgroup.

Posted by DDH52 on 2009-10-01 15:53:14

I picked Jedi for a religion. There was no choice for no religion.

Jews have been persecuted throughout history. They fled from the Pharaohs, or so the myth goes, they were exterminated and evicted from Spain during the Inquisition, Stalin's persecution, Hitler's Holocaust - on and on.

Posted by totoro on 2009-10-04 06:41:34

Honestly, I couldn't give a flying rats asss what the Bible says about homosexuality or what you think about it. I am happy with myself and so are my friends and family and quite honestly everyone who knows me, so that is all that matters to me....so believe whatever you want, it doesn't affect my life at all though.

Sort of on that subject, I think people should be able to believe whatever they want, but since we are NOT a theocracy (at least not in America), laws should not be based on religion, or the Bible.

Posted by DDH52 on 2009-10-07 21:59:28

The country is already being "distroyed" by illiterate bible-thumping conservatards like you kairan.

Posted by totoro on 2009-10-08 04:59:04

At the core of it, most bible-thumpers are just motivated by pure hate....and the hate becomes self-consuming eventually. Ironically, my first post was one encouraging tolerance. Oh well.

People often fear what they don't understand in others....and sometimes in themselves!!

BTW: No such thing as a "gay lifestyle". It is a biological orientation.