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Do you pee in the shower?

where i've gone...

Posted by Yellow Stream Person on 2003-05-11 04:01:57

almost everywhere! i usually do it while showering, regardless of where or who is around. as for the last question, yes, i've done it in each of those at least once. i never use a toilet to pi$$ in, so naturally this makes for interesting places to go. as for the "pooh" idea--no, i don't defecate in a shower. the only place i'll do that when no rest room is available is a river, but i don't like doing that--and fortunately it doesn't happen often. but, i don't wipe myself--instead, i wash in the tub. when i am travelling out of town and need to defecate, it can be a problem because most public rest rooms don't have a way to bathe, and a good number of them don't have paper towels either. but i almost always find a way to do it. bu ti'll urinate just about anywhere i please--though not on places where it would be hard to clean up. so, go ahead and "mark your territory"!

Posted by Allycatz on 2007-05-20 00:09:17

Me too, its natural, and saves water, plus it's kinda fun!

Posted by missfuking on 2015-10-16 20:50:47

I always $%!@ in the shower; whether it's mine, someone else's or a public one.

At pools etc I just $%!@ on the floor in the changing room. Public toilets, I just turn round and $%!@ - some probably goes in the toilet. Lot on the floor but they're disgusting anyway most of the time, and always after I've been in!

Posted by nude1 on 2017-12-27 18:07:21

I've peed in the shower and the bath.