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My penis( guy opions)

$%!@ Size

Posted by Sundiver on 2011-04-15 01:53:55

You're right. I'm smaller, proud of it and never had any complaints. Read what other smaller guys and their women have said about it. http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/521605

Posted by Cpmurph677 on 2011-07-17 05:17:57


Posted by waynem on 2011-09-12 03:28:08


I am a boy in his teens, i have about one inch at the most soft, and 3 or 4 inch hard, i know i am small but that is ok

how about you?


Posted by Bubbs on 2011-09-27 23:12:45

Hi Wayne & Scott

I'm about the same as you guys. Around 2"/4" or a tiny bit more at times. Half the guys in my P.E. class are about the same as me so I don't worry about it. There's several guys who are huge though. You guys both have a tube on yours? Mine don't. What's that like?


Posted by Bubbs on 2011-09-29 13:05:58

Hi Scotty,

What you said about the tube was interesting. I thought the way my wiener was was the way I was born until somebody explained it when I was 9. I felt like something was stolen from me, but when we started changing at school I saw that almost everybody had it done. I bet that was strange for you the first time you undressed with the other boys. When my friends and I saw each other for the first time it made me feel better to know they all had the same as me. You must have had the opposite feeling. We have three boys in our class who didn't get it cut. They seem to be doing fine that way. I don't know why people thinks it's so important to be circumd. I'm okay with it but I don't know why it needs to be messed with.

I didn't realize that it was such a private thing to skin it back and let the head show. I didn't think about it that way since the head shows on mine all the time. Mine has a collar of bunched up skin behind the head that I pull back and wash off when I shower at home. I guess that's what i have left of my tube.

I way prefer briefs over boxers. I don't like to feel the tip of mine rubbing around so I need tight underwear to keep it under control. Boxers feel strange to me, like wearing a second pair of pants inside your pants.

Skiinny dipping was great this summer but it only lasted about a week. We found this pool of water after a big rain. There was nobody else around to see us, so my friends and I stripped. It was exciting to run around naked and it felt good swimming like that. I don't know of any other place to do it. We don't have pools around here except for the town pool or the YMCA indoor pool. No skinny dipping there.

Don't let being diffrent down there bother you. My best friend wishes he could be like you!
