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Pee Pool Poll

Dressing area

Posted by what to do on 2006-07-09 23:26:52

This weekend we went to a city pool for a swim. Walking in I noticed a restroom as we entered, then a shower area and finally an outdoor dressing area, that was just a few screen walls with benches around the perimiter. We walked through rather quickly, but I did happen to notice some wet concrete in the center of the room, but no showers. Latter when I came through to use the urinal I noticed clear patterns that several guys had urinated there. As I walked back through again I came upon a man in his fortys and 2 teenage boys peeing openly in the dressing area. As we left for the day, upon entering a boy was peeing on the floor and as I began to remove my suit another man of about 60 came in, lowered his suit and began peeing while making conversation with me. Now I'm not one to do so normally, but I have to admit that after seeing that I also began urinating on the floor. My 8 year old son quickly followed me in doing so himself. When we got to the car, to my shock he began telling my wife that we had just relieved ourselves on the floor of the dressing room. I thought that she would come unglued with me, since this was the little hometown pool she went to as a kid and everyone knows her. My wife said, "really, your dad peed on the floor" in a stern voice, then laughed and said, "and I thought you wouldn't fit in." I began to explain that numerous boys and men had done so, or I never would have done so myself. Again she laughed and said, "it's no problem, guys have always told they pee in the dressing area, my brothers did and even my dad confessed to doing so." She went on to say, "but I never thought you would do such a thing," she laughed again and said, "there's hope for you yet." I never saw a place were so open about peeing in the dressing area.

Posted by bobbie...boi on 2008-02-17 07:30:59

Well I hardly ever use the urinals at the plunge or the park... I go on the floor andin the pool at the plunge... in the park go by a tree or in the bushes where I see others going... it's a lot easier than going to bathroom across the park...

Posted by bornspecial on 2008-03-01 21:23:47

I peed in a dressing room only one time but it wasn't at the pool, I wanted to buy some new jeans at Sears and when I went in the jean department I took a bunch in the dressing room with me to try on, and I tried on a pair of green jeans that I thought were ugly so instead of taking them off I positioned my $%!@ and stood in front of the mirror and started to pee, and I saw a dark spot that was getting bigger and running down the leg and made a wet spot on the rug, and when I finished I took the soaked jeans off and even spit on them a few times and just left them on the floor for somebody to have to clean

Posted by Louise P on 2008-06-13 13:16:15

About peeing in pool dressing room.. Bot my children are used to relieve in the changing room, so I had a funny situation when I went with my sister and a friend with our family of her to a big water park. Aftern lunch the weather got ugly so we decided to go beack home. We went to changing room to put pur dress on, as we were already showered after the pool. W ewere 3 women with 7 children (mine g of 8 and b of 6, my sister with 2 daughter 12 and 7, and her fiend's boy of 5 and girl of 11) to go to the ladies changing room. We took place in the back corner that was almost empty. MY sister's son of 10 and her fiend's one of 9 went to the male's with my husband and my sis husband. As it passed more about 2 hours from last swimming and shower, it was obvious that someone had to $%!@. The 5 years old child of my friend was the first to say "I have to pee", suddenly followed by the request of mys sis and her friend's daughters. As we were changing and the toilet were just outside near the entrance, we need to wait anyways. Then my son naked, told "mum I need it bad, can I pee there?" I was a bit embarassed, as I didn't want to let my sister's friend that I let my children pee in changing room, and didn't know what she could think about. Fortunately my sister broke the silence, replying to him "of course, you can darling, hurry up and go here in the corner", so immediately my son started to pee in the corner besides our bench, on the floor and over the wall. Fortunately my sister friend smiled at us, and removed her son swimswit, the child started peeing as soon as she pull out the swimsuit, spraying all over the floor in front of us. My sister friend told "it is so easy for the boys", as the girl needed to pee too, the bigger girl was the first to ask.."mum... she neither ended her question that my sister friend told her, "hurry up and go there, until there are nobody around", the girl has her t shirt and was bottomless, so she headed to the corner where my son peed and facing the wall she made a very big pee standing feet apart. Then my daughter and my nephew went by the empty bench in front of us and squatted togheter on the floor. So I discovered that my sister friend allowed her children pee on the changing room, lather my nephew told that our he and his friend relieved himself in the male changing room, but is more common I suppose..

please vote my new pool about peeing in locker room: http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/343108 and the read message forum http://www.misterpoll.com/forums/126889