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Diaper Punishment

Well this is a long story but I realy wanna tell someone.

Posted by SaraStatten on 2010-07-12 05:12:26

Well this is a long story but I realy wanna tell someone.

I just turned 11 and there is this freind of the family who is like a real brother to me he just turned 17, he sometimes stays with me when my mom has her doctor appointments. It wasn't to long after he found out I secretly owned a few pacifiers and 2 bottles.

He didnt care about filling the bottles up for me. But he always tried to talk my mom into letting him take the stuff away for good and throw them away. He even sometimes tried to talk me out of it.

I would always act babyish and sit on the couch with him talking baby talk. Eventually he even started holding me in his lap holding the bottle for me, and patting me on my bottom, and even burping me.

Not to long after that he kept telling me how cute I looked with all that stuff. He even started reading to me, and giving me kiss goodnights, and even helped feed me sometimes, just playing around.

One day, my whole life changed.

Well it was in the evening, and I was sitting on the couch next to him watching cartoons. I was wearing my black cotton/nylon shorts and a white t-shirt, which I sometimes wear the them a few days in a row because I didnt own very many panties, so i wore the shorts, because we couldnt afford a lot.

I was just sitting watching some cartoon, when he leaned over to me and told me I smelled stinky, and asked me if I messed myself. I know I didnt smell that bad. At first I was telling him I didnt, in baby talk of course.

But he kept asking me. He said to me, maybe I should just check you myself. He grabbed my hand standing me up in front of him and the couch.

I just let him pull me up, and he stood me in front of him and turned me facing away from him. The next thing I knew he touched the back of my shorts and rubbing my butt a little.

When he was doing that he put his nose down right in front of my butt and smelled. While he smelled my butt his hand went to the front of my shorts and sat there on my $%!@. At first i couldnt believe what was happening. But in a way waiting for this. After he smelled my bottom through my shorts he grabbed the waist band of my shorts pulling it away from my waist. Looking down inside he told me that I did go poopoo and in my big girl pantys. I figured he was kidding, because I didn't really mess my shorts.

I thought he was finished but instead he turned me around and he started sniffing the front of my shorts between my legs, giving me a little rub. His other hand was squeezing my butt cheeks though.

I just closed my eyes and took it in. Just then he grabbed my waistband again pulling it from my waist and looked down inside between my legs.

He then had me lay down on the floor in front of the couch on my back, grabbing the waist band of the shorts he told me to lift a little and Off they came, as I just laid there.

I have always trusted him so I kept still. I laid there on my back on the floor bare from the waist down.

Thats when I noticed the baby wipes and some diapers and right then I new he planned that. He use the wipes and wiped me down all over my areas that were just covered by my shorts.

He was spending longer time in some places. But anyway when he was done he was about to grab a diaper but instead he said something else that shocked me. Well the words were, I think this little poopy butt needs a little bath.

In a way i wanted to say something and in a way i didnt. But no words came out at all.

He sat me up and pulled my t-shirt off. He grabbed me under my arms and standing me up. Just and i was standing he picked me up and my legs around his waist.

When he carried me into the bathroom his hands were on both of my butt cheeks, and the tips of his fingers between my cheeks.

Well anyway I got a bath, and I dont have to tell you how it went. But yes I did get turned on from it if thats what you wanted to hear. And I learned not to squirm, getting a couple smacks here and their.

But anyway after the bath he carried me into the living room the same way he carried me before.

He sat down with me still on his lap and my legs behind him, and he started talking to me. He told that little girls who go poopy in their big girl panties have to have a spanking or they will never learn.

He was telling me this while his hands were rubbing my butt cheeks and in between my cheeks.

He then helped me over his lap face down and I already had some little tears. It wasn't long before I felt his hand smacking both of my bottom cheeks over and over.

Soon they turned pink, and help lifted me up and held me for a long time while he rubbed my back and my sore bottom.

Then he helped me turn around on his lap and he told me that it was time for his baby girl to eat. I ate and it was real baby food to, I gagged a few times but finished it all after I got a few swats for gagging.

After the baby food he held me in his arms and held a bottle for me to drink. Every once in a while he would rub my $%!@ and ask me if baby needed to go potty, I shook my head no.

After I had finished the bottle he sat me up over his shoulder, and with one hand he burped me, and the other was squeezing and rubbing my butt cheeks.

After he got me to burp, I noticed he was trying to lay me face down again and thought he was going to spank me again. But he told me that he was going to take my temperature.

I layed over his lap as he took a glob of vaseline on his fingers, not on the tip of the thermometer. He then took one finger and pushed into my bottom hole, and I yelped, and started to cry a little.

But he finished and slippe din the thermometer, and he waited for 5 minutes before he took it out and said I was fine.

After my temp was taken, he layed me down on the floor in front of the couch, and he put baby lotion on me and baby powder.

I was already really turned on by this, and well anyway after he was done with the powder. The diaper came on and he said something about a nap.

He gve me a pacifier and, we both laid down for a nap. I laid on my belly and he rubbed my back a little. I slowly started falling alseep but kept being woken up by his fingers slipping in my diaper every so often.

This stuff happened on and off for a while. Doing this stuff more in public little by little to see what we could get away with.

He finally got me in just a diaper at the public pool and the park a few times all the way naked but not for to long. But it was long enough for me.

Posted by gunnerdude on 2011-05-15 18:48:11

email me so we can talk gunnerdude24@aim.com

Posted by Bonnie F on 2011-07-08 11:43:47

The same thing happened to me. I was 16 years old. My brother had a 18 year old friend who i had had a crush on for years. He always treated me like a baby and as i kinda liked it i let him. One evening he asked me if i wanted to spend the night at his house and i asked him if he wanted Sex. he laughed and said no he just wanted to really treat me like a baby. the idea turned me on so i told him i would come around the next weekend when his parents were out of town.

So the next week i told my parents i was having a sleepover and went to his house. When he opened the front door the 1st thing he said was i was wearing way to many clothes for a baby. So i obediently stepped into the hallway and stripped naked. He picked me up in his arms and carried me into the living room.

On the floor he had set up a load of stuff used for babies. He laid me down on my back and wiped my $%!@ and arse with a baby wipe. Then he lifted my arse up, slid a diaper underneath and secured it firmly. He told me if i needed the toilet i went in the diaper. Then he picked up a baby bottle and fed me. When he was done he hefted me onto his shoulder and burped me. He took the bottle away and placed a pacifier in my mouth.

I curled up into a foetal ball and sucked on the pacifier for a few minutes. He lay next to me and cupped my breasts in his hands and stroked my nipples. Then he stood up,lifted me into his arms and told me i needed a bath. He carried me into the bathroom, took off the diaper and washed me. It was a very arousing experience. Then he lead me back downstairs, put another diaper on and gave me some baby toys to play with.

At 7:30 he said it was my bedtime and carried me upstairs and into his bedroom. I thought i was going to sleep with him so i stretched towards his bed. But he hit my arm and nodded towards a cot in the corner of the room i only just noticed. He placed me curled up inside it and kissed me on the forehead before turning the light off and leaving.

Over the next few months, we spent nights like this whenever his parents were out pf town and i could pretend to be on a sleepover. His orders got wilder until one day i ended up completely naked, ball gagged, hogtied and he was shaving me head bald.

I was so obedient to him as a baby he wanted me to be his "Sex slave". When i refused he kidnapped me and the above happened. he kept me in a dog cage for 4 months only taking me out to sleep with me or let one of his friends rape me. He beat me and whipped me and though of me as a piece of his property. he barely fed me and i spent most of the time in the cage.

I was there for 5 months before someone found me. the guy was arrested and that was a year ago. Most people would wonder why i am telling you this.The therapist my parents are making me see says it will help if i tell people what happened to me.

Posted by SaraStatten on 2011-07-11 00:59:40

The first part seems fun to me, but I don't think I could do what he did in the last three paragraphs. Its been a long time since my friend started this and I love it. I'm surprised he hasn't gone that far. My friend who got me into this seems like he's not even into sex at all. I'm sorry about the all that stuff he put you through, nobody should be caged, or made to have sex with anyone. I could never get through any of that.

Posted by Sporty Girl on 2011-08-10 20:18:24

You should take my poll. The link is...
