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Nude with friends


Posted by Nikrud on 2010-12-23 22:59:55

William Challis. I hate just read of your exciting sexual adventure with your friend Ollie and my hand immediately went to my penus and i was rubbing like mad. Tomorrow i am going over to my pal Jerry's place and we ourselves will be enjoying the same fun as you two. I just love to see the erect penus bobbing up and down when boys are running around. So erotic. Nikrud.

Posted by Robert1948 on 2013-06-11 06:44:46

Nikrud. I have just read your account of nakedness to my b/f Alan and we both had immediate erections. You can guess what happened next. We are both naked together as much as we can, especially in the school showers when our $%!@s get hard. We love it and do not care less.