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Have you ever wet your pants?

Girlfreind's house

Posted by scottyboy on 2004-04-13 11:23:50

Im 15 , and i just started goin out wiv a fit lass , we wer out wi some mates and i walked her home on the way i started to need a wee really bad so i asked to use her toilet, it got really bad her mum was in the toilet for ages , as her mum walked out, i said hi quickly and rushed in , i saw the toilet and peed my pants,i treid to stop but it kept comin , i was terrified we went to the same school an all, i couldent let it get round (the first day ive bin goin out wiv her an all)i was in the toilet for 15 mins thinkin, i quickly splashed water from the tap onto the walls and soaked my top with tap water, i put on a convincing act and sed i wer messin with her tap,she fell for it (I hope) and i got out the house as quick as i could and ran all the way home.

Posted by AndrewThompson on 2006-02-17 22:37:08

hopefully she di fall for it, scottyboy! that's probably the sort of thing i'd do! pretty smart, but GROSS!

Posted by Emo_Kid on 2006-05-17 00:20:17

since i live with my girlfriend, and frequently $%!@ myself, i'd say i always get caught at her house. she thinks its somehow cute that im always wetting myself, she even thinks its adorable how i wet my bed =/ i dont understand it. the other day i only made it to the driveway in my car and peed right there in the drivers seat, she was with me and she was really cool about it, of course i felt stupid and like a little kid but you know if she has no problem with it then its cool.

Posted by AndrewThompson on 2007-07-07 04:18:07

count yourself lucky. lol you two will probably be together for the rest of your days, by the looks of it... get married, have kids, and go senial together. and who knows, you may as well be $%!@ing yourself the whole time HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! sorry if i scared you (so much you wet your pants...) lol i'm cracking my self up (you'll crack up so much you'll wet your pants maybe) LOL sorry i'm just so funny hahahahahaha lol lmao lmfao sorry very sorry this will (or might) not happen again...hehehe

Posted by Anon7890 on 2007-12-12 10:04:01

Yeah I too have to laugh at this... not because I think its weird or disgusting (I don't really) but because its so 'unacceptable' yet so many people are into it. I don't this pee thing is as rare as people think it is. Emo_Kid I'd bet money your girlfriend gets turned on by it... and I also bet its your embarrassment over it she likes not necessarily that you peed yourself.