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How is fenbendazole given?

Posted by CamilaScott on 2023-04-19 07:25:09

Fenbendazole 150 Mg is administered orally and is available as sublingual pellets or a liquid solution. Careful measurement is required for liquid forms. To lessen gastrointestinal discomfort, fenbendazole should be administered with meals.

As your doctor has prescribed, administer this medicine. Fenbendazole is frequently administered once everyday for three days straight, followed by another round two to three weeks later.

For optimal outcomes, it's critical that your pet take all of the doses that your veterinary advises. Unless your veterinarian advises you to, never cease taking a medication too soon or miss a dosage. If medicine is halted too soon, doses are skipped, or the patient becomes rainfected from the environment, retreatment may be required.

Although the effects of this medicine should be felt within one to two days, it will take the complete course of therapy for their presence to be seen.