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Boys going barefoot


Posted by calsh on 2010-08-07 20:54:29

me and my friends have a den(place where we hang out)

we have a rule

everyone MUST be bare foot

no execption we always do drama in bare feet and the drama club i joined is bare foot

Posted by soxboy14 on 2010-08-15 14:39:46

that sounds cool! though I normally hate having to take my shoes and socks off, but it would be cool to have a secret place to hang out where all your friends must take their shoes and socks off

Posted by Barefoot Tom on 2010-08-15 17:52:56


I think about creating such rule with my friends...

But why and when did you decide to have a barefoot den? I'm interested.

Posted by ukjohnp5 on 2010-08-16 14:57:36

Brilliant idea! I love it too!

We have a big shed at the bottom of our garden that me and my friends sometimes use. I'm gonna clear it out and turn it into a den and its gonna have the same rules - no shoes or socks to be worn inside, everyone must be in bare feet.

Some of my friends hate taking their socks off, but I don't care, they will have to leave their socks outside. NO SHOES OR SOCKS ALLOWED.

We'll have a great time in our bare feet instead!!! Yay!

Posted by calsh on 2011-05-07 23:42:59

ukjohn can we keep in contact somehow