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UK 2010 General Election

Some other choices

Posted by Highnlonesome on 2010-04-11 07:43:36

This is a very good poll overall, but there were a couple of questions I found it difficult to answer honestly.

My current thinking is I will go to the polling booth and write "None of the above" on the ballot paper. I believe we deserve a change of government but I am not impressed by the main opposition parties and I don't want to vote for a single-issue party either. The Conservatives are possibly the least bad option in some ways, but I don't think they are zealous enough about tackling bureaucracy and wasted spending in the public sector. Plus, I have no confidence in David Cameron as a future PM - I think he is vain and superficial and he lacks experience (he's only been an MP since 2001). I have voted for the Liberal Democrats in the past and I still agree with some of the things they stand for, such as localism, but I am disgusted at the dumbed-down and manipulative nature of their campaigning style. They try to be all things to all people on spending issues. If Vince Cable became leader I might feel more positively about them.

Simply not turning up isn't a positive statement - a low turnout may be interpreted as a sign of contentment - spoiling the ballot paper is at least a statement of discontent.