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Balls, Nuts, or Testicles!

girls should learn how to play not hurt balls

Posted by Kelly on 2002-05-08 12:17:25

The poll conversation is starting to get really good. Instead of fighting we all should be talking how we can fun with each other. When I was a young girl, I had three brothers, and when on a trip it seemed that they always had to pee, so my father would let them pee on the side of the road while my mother would occupy me. That started my interest in water sports. My younger brother and I always used to fight, until my middle brother told my younger brother that if he did not stop, she would hit him in the balls. He stopped fighting for a while, then I asked him why. He told me that girls did not have balls and that I could hurt him very bad.

These two things got me interested in the physical differences between men and women not just obvious reproductive differences. That is why I started the idea of discussing having FUN WITH BALLS, rather the always the discussion of girls beating up on guys balls. If more guys would let girls play with their precious balls, more girls would respect guys, rather then always having boys playing with our parts. Most guys respect girls who know how to play with a mans balls, drawing a fine line between fun and pain. Plus after intense ball play, whey the guy really starts to shoots, he does so like he never did before. Actually all guys enjoy the control that a girl has over his balls during sex.

Lastly do not forget water sports, for there is really no bigger difference between a man and a woman in the way we pee. There could be a lot of excitement in this, put we will save that for another time.

Posted by Deanna Somerville on 2011-01-03 23:40:18

proof attacking a mans sex organs can cause death.. so do not do it unless its neccessary.


This is an actual court case in India where a women is charged with the murder of her husband, she killed him by only squeezing his scrotum. The autopsy on his body shows that his testes were crushed to bloody pulp and sperm. http://indiankanoon.org/doc/1152624/

There were no marks of any teeth on the scrotum, but the wound was covered with dried blood. On opening the scrotum, the testicles, or glands proper were found to be "very much bruised and reduced to a pulpy condition." There was no apparent disease of the testicles. Their condition was due not to disease but to injury, and Dr. Lancaster considered that a prolonged severe squeeze of the testicles, even with the left hand of the accused, would have been sufficient to produce the appearances which he saw at the post mortem. He considered that the injury to the testicles was the cause of Kalan's death, and added that, even if the man had been in sound health, the injury would have caused his death. The Hospital Assistant says that the testicles were "almost absolute pulp. No solid parts remained," and was positive that shock from injury to the testicles was the sole cause of death.

Posted by KELLYCAT on 2011-10-10 17:38:40

Girls are lucky not to have balls.

As many men have stated the advantage to being a woman female, are many. We give birth, live longer have better orgasms, and do not have testicles to hurt in domestic fight.

love kelly

Posted by Crobar on 2012-09-08 03:31:32

Really good Kelly. All girls should have this fun but being very careful not to injure the balls. You can do so much like slap, punch, squeeze them. Oh and kick them softly. Each boy has different pain levels. Please be careful have allot of fun. I like it as long as my girl knows when to stop and of course shoots. That is your reward and not his hehe :)