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Balls, Nuts, or Testicles!

girls live longer

Posted by Lois on 2002-05-11 02:00:41

Did it ever occur to bogden that the reason that girls live longer then boys is because we do not have balls. It is those nasty hormones that gives you guys strength, but weakens your heart etc, that makes us girls live a lot longer. Did you know that castrated men known as eunichs live almost as long as women. So tell me now how wonderful it is to have them balls between your legs. Or can you just admit that women are superior for having a clitoris and not having those balls hanging dangerously between your legs. And that the nerves in our clitoris gives us the opportunity to have mutuple orgasims, and that our clitoris is somewhat protected by the skins of the labia and vulva, while your balls hang in a sac that can be attacked from the front, bottom or behind. Believe it or not I am not a sexest, I do regret that girls get periods and get pregnant, and have troule peeing in the woods. But for gosh sakes, give us poor girls a brake in saying that we have an advantage in not having balls