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Balls, Nuts, or Testicles!

real girl power

Posted by Sara on 2002-03-01 20:57:50

Let face it guys, when it comes to external genitela you lose. our womanhood is inside, your manhood hang by a string. So now is time to appreciate us gals. There is nothing better when I can hold a guys manhood in my hands. That is the way nature made it. We give birth and you guys appreciate us for that, for with out us gals you would not be here. So please love us and give us what we want, all we want is your love and we will share our $%!@.

Posted by Big Ted on 2002-03-01 23:22:09

========== In Reply To ========== Let face it guys, when it comes to external genitela you lose. our womanhood is inside, your manhood hang by a string. So now is time to appreciate us gals. There is nothing better when I can hold a guys manhood in my hands. That is the way nature made it. We give birth and you guys appreciate us for that, for with out us gals you would not be here. So please love us and give us what we want, all we want is your love and we will share our $%!@.

Now we are getting somewere!!!! When love enters on to the stage it all changes! Thank you! As you said (with Love present) I will let you hold my balls yes it is my manhood but with love comes trust and respect. In return you share your $%!@ with me. I donot kick your $%!@ you do not rip my balls off we love and trust and respect each other!!!!!!!!!!!! When can we go uo?? ha ha

Posted by Manpower on 2004-02-03 22:05:45

Girl power?? Yeah right!!

Yes you should be very glad you are a woman, especially by the fact so many women get raped all over the world. This really shows the physical advantage of being female. NOT!!!! Oh, and don't give me that bull.$%!@ about "for with out us gals you would not be here." The same holds for men, without your father you would not have been here right now.

========== In Reply To ========== Let face it guys, when it comes to external genitela you lose. our womanhood is inside, your manhood hang by a string. So now is time to appreciate us gals. There is nothing better when I can hold a guys manhood in my hands. That is the way nature made it. We give birth and you guys appreciate us for that, for with out us gals you would not be here. So please love us and give us what we want, all we want is your love and we will share our $%!@.

Posted by Deanna Somerville on 2010-12-29 01:01:57

real court cases in india where women have killed men by only attacking their sex organs. its scary but true. One lady actually smashed her husbands testes to pulp, says the doctor doing his post mortem.

http://indiankanoon.org/doc/1152624/ http://indiankanoon.org/doc/1727080/ http://indiankanoon.org/doc/1660698/

she reduced the man's testicles to pulp and killed him by the shock thus given to the nervous system

The effect of that violence, according to the evidence of Dr. Lancaster, was much bruising of the glands and their reduction to a pulpy condition

In this case a woman named Kaliyani has been convicted of having murdered her husband, Kalan, and has been condemned to death.

Posted by dustbet on 2020-12-28 06:48:24

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