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boys who take shoes off in school

Take my shoes off during school?

Posted by Rachel992017 on 2010-10-18 19:34:07
My name is David.Im 14 years old,good-looking,well built,an Im a straight A student.I attend an all-boys private school that requires uniforms-which includles formal dress shoes.It it very commom for for boys to take thier shoes off during school.Most of them slip their shoes off at their desk;alot walk around the classroom whitout shoes;many simpily carry their shoes with them and walk around school in their socks(sometimes white or gray,but usually black,such as I ware all of the time);and a few even leave their shoes in their locker and go to classes without shoes.Also,its not unheard of for the boys to give each other foot rubs.Even though my school shoes end up REALLY HURTING my feet,Ive never taken off my shoes as yet.Its not that theres anything "wrong"with my feet;Im just sort of shy about crossing that boundary.I am,however,always sort of squirming my feet around in my shoes without actually taking them off.The other boys and even of my(female)teacher notice this,and are constantly telling me that Im being silly in not taking off my shoes.They insist that Id be so much more comfortable in my socks.Should I listen to them?
Posted by jaymeister on 2010-10-19 20:19:47

If others in class are taking off their shoes then you should not feel that you are crossing a boundary by taking yours off. Why not be more comfortable. It is pointless to be unnecessarily uncomfortable like your teacher and fellow students suggest. I can see why one would be leery about removing shoes if he was the only one doing it but this is not the case with you, you may be the lone person who is keeping his shoes on. And who are you hurting if you are in your socks?

Posted by ukjohnp5 on 2010-10-22 21:30:56

I agree. That sounds very much like my school too. Most boys at my school quietly slip their shoes off in class to be more comfortable, and we have to wear proper leather shoes too with our uniform, which are really uncomfortable to wear. A lot of boys keep their shoes off the whole school day, and nobody ever says anything or gets into trouble. And since many boys wear black socks its not always obvious they've taken their shoes off anyway!

I used to be a bit like you at first, I was nervous when I first started taking my own shoes off in class, but after you've done it once and realised that its just way more comfortable, then the next time is easier, and the next time even easier again, then before you know it, you'll hate the idea of having shoes on in class.

Now I always slip my shoes off in class - I just don't think about it, as soon as I sit down I just shrug them off under the desk and push them to one side. I love the feeling of the hard floor under my socked soles. Sometimes I'll even get up and wander about the classroom in my socks. Nobody ever says anything, especially since I normally wear grey or black socks anyway.

Sometimes, other boys who have not taken their shoes off will notice I've taken mine off, and then they soon slip their own shoes off too. I guess they realise how much more comfortable and fun it is to be in socks and want to join in.

So if your teacher tells you to, and everyone else in the class has taken their shoes off, then you are the 'odd one out' for not joining in. Personally, if I went to your school, I'd be one of the boys who dumped their shoes in their locker and never wore them!

Just do it ... close your eyes, count to ten then slowly wriggle your shoes off under the desk. I'll bet nobody says anything to you, and then that will give you the confidence to take your shoes off the next day too. And it will feel a billion times better to be without your horrible painful shoes.

Posted by schoolsoxnundeez on 2010-10-25 19:13:43

hi David, my name is tim, and i am also 14. i was also once shy about taking my shoes off in school, but once i started doing it, now i love it! now i take my shoes off in almost all of my classes. lots of other boys do it also. but i was one of the first to do it, and since then i have got more boys to do it. when i started doing it i just figured it wasnt hurting anything if i slipped off my shoes and was just in my socks in class. now it feels so good, i am glad i started doing it! so i would advise you to go ahead and do it. and if you want to talk more about it, please email me at: schoolsoxundeez@yahoo.com

Posted by Rachel992017 on 2010-10-25 20:54:02

Guys:I finally decided to follow evryones advice and try taking my shoes off during school.It was one of the smartest decisons Ive ever made.I was in my 2nd period class,and as usual my shoes were hurting my feet.I made up my mind to overcome my shyness right there.I slowly counted to 10 and then quietly slipped my shoes off at my desk.My feet were ABSOULTLEY KILLING ME;it was SUCH A RELIEF to get my shoes off.It felt so good that I ended up walking around the classroom im my black socks.When nobody said a word,I then carried my shoes with me for the rest of the day.Iadmit that I was nervous about walking around the school in my socks,but that soon changed when I heard the reaction from my friends.They immedately noticed my feet at made comments("Hey,David you dont have your shoes on!"....),but they werent laughing at me at all;they thought that it was neat that I finally "joined the fun"and was now like them.In a way,the day became a sort of "coming out party" for me,and it really boosted my confeidence.As I walked the halls,my teacher saw my socked feet and gave me this ear to ear simile,as if to say"Im glad youre finnaly loosening up!"In turn,I sort of wiggled my feet at her and she brust out laughing.I even received sevral offers to have my feet rubbed!All of you wrote in,my classmates and my teacher were all totally right:it was stupid for me to suffer in those school shoes when I could have been comfortable the entire time.But Ive learned from my mistake:from now on,when my shoes start to hurt my feet-even a little bit-Im immedately kicking them off and spending the rest of the day in my socks.As for those who wrote to me,thank you for your help and advice!