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nudity for teenage boys


Posted by tacodevice35 on 2015-12-13 20:28:17

chase, thats normal!

Posted by dadofteen on 2015-12-14 10:10:41

To Chase Parker,

Thank you so much - I will be laughing until Christmas!

I love good old fashioned English Humour.

" middle of no wear " in a poll about nudity. Hilarious - thank you so much!

Posted by Chase Parker on 2015-12-22 09:00:44

Wasn't lying dadofteen. They live in the sticks. No neighboors

Posted by dadofteen on 2015-12-23 09:59:36

It is you use of language that is so amusing - not the meaning you were trying to convey.

You wrote "NO WEAR" in a theme about nudity?

Or did you mean NOWHERE ????

Is American such a different language to English? Perhaps I should seek tutelage !

Posted by Chase Parker on 2015-12-27 17:36:33

It was a typo