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Stolen (or stealing) shoes

Shoes permanently lost/stolen

Posted by the one shoed kid on 2014-09-03 06:51:52

I,m 13 and and had my right shoe stolen so much I lose it on purpose so I don't have a choice but to wear one I got were I like just having a sock on my foot my dad won't let me go barefoot and are school don't allow it but since I lose my right I have to go without it and the kids don't steal my shoe because I only have left ones the last pair I got they said if I lose one I would not get another pair so I went to the mall and lost it they said having to wear one shoe was punishment enough.

Posted by Mark96 on 2014-09-03 16:53:33

Hi, The One Shoe Kid. I would be glad to talk with You a little more and share some stories with You - if You want to. My e-mail is: marekjanisz@yahoo.com

Posted by insocksalot on 2014-11-03 04:45:12

Hi, I get my shoes taken very often. Most of the time I get them back after a few minutes or so but sometimes I have to spend more time in socks. Last week I was walking down the hallway in school with my friend, at some point there were walking some older boys behind us. One of them stept on the back of my shoe that made me fall and lose my shoe. Then he kicked my shoe away and was laughing at me as I lay on the ground. One of the other boys than said, take his other shoe too! And so he did, it happened all so quick, I could not do anything. They started throwing and kicking my shoes around untill one boy picked them up and threw them out of this open window. They were all laughing at me as I stood there in my blue socked feet. I wanted to pick them up but the bell rang for the lesson, I spend all morning in socks and got my shoes back at lunchbreak.

Posted by Gfire on 2014-12-15 01:06:23

A few days ago, I was riding a subway train to the mall to pick up some stuff. It was gonna take a few stops to get to the mall, so I took a small nap on the train across two seats. When I woke up when the train was about to stop, I only had on one shoe on my left foot. I tried searching all over the train for it, but it wasn't anywhere. I had to carry on the rest of my day in one shoe and my white sock since I didnt have enough money on me to buy new shoes. People kept laughing at me periodically throughout the day.

Posted by RJ_Robins on 2015-01-30 19:25:40

Hey, awesome story. I've started a site where guys can share stories about their shoes and am looking for stories to start populating it. www.wheresmysneaks.wordpress.com