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Females wearing skirts and dresses at all times

If I had only known...

Posted by pollster on 2002-02-15 07:34:19

Please Dave encourage me now... I am at a point now where I think the majority of women on this earth thinks a woman who wears pants is a homosexual... Help... LOL I guess you were right! What a closed minded society do we live in?

Posted by dave on 2002-02-15 09:41:18

Yes - it does seem a little strange the way the results have been going on your poll.... Seeing as around 90% - 95% women seem to wear pants all the time. Next time you go out to a busy shopping arcade - take a look around you... I doubt if you'll see more than one wwoman in every 20 wearing a skirt, especially at this time of year.

It also seems strange that 22% of women, think guys belong in trousers.. which to my mind is very hypocritical.. They get the freedom of choice to wear what ever they like - so why can't they understand the simple fact, that we should have the same choice as them ?? ... its beyond me - I tell ya.

But as for encouragement... lets go back to the early 60's when the Womens Liberation Movement took place...

The women started wearing trousers.. which caused a great outcry at the time - men decided that women belonged in skirts and dresses. But as more and more women started to wear pants - it very soon became totally accepted. (Which makes the womens viewpoint about guys belonging trousers even more hypoctitical)

Once us men are brave enough to start wearing skirts out in public - (I already do as you know) - its my guess it will soon become accepted.


========== In Reply To ========== Please Dave encourage me now... I am at a point now where I think the majority of women on this earth thinks a woman who wears pants is a homosexual... Help... LOL I guess you were right! What a closed minded society do we live in?

Posted by pollster on 2002-02-15 18:02:04

You have to consider the cultural differences. What you say may go for Canada, the US and the UK but what about other countries? We have people from different origins and practicing different religious beleifs. I was surprised too but I think the results reflect the mentallity of the people quite well. I know for exemple that we had a few muslim women here even though they didn't bluntly identified themselves as such. The thing is that people don't allways tell the thruth about themselves. That's the problem with religion. It allways attracts liers and hypocrites.

========== In Reply To ========== Yes - it does seem a little strange the way the results have been going on your poll.... Seeing as around 90% - 95% women seem to wear pants all the time. Next time you go out to a busy shopping arcade - take a look around you... I doubt if you'll see more than one wwoman in every 20 wearing a skirt, especially at this time of year.

It also seems strange that 22% of women, think guys belong in trousers.. which to my mind is very hypocritical.. They get the freedom of choice to wear what ever they like - so why can't they understand the simple fact, that we should have the same choice as them ?? ... its beyond me - I tell ya.

But as for encouragement... lets go back to the early 60's when the Womens Liberation Movement took place...

The women started wearing trousers.. which caused a great outcry at the time - men decided that women belonged in skirts and dresses. But as more and more women started to wear pants - it very soon became totally accepted. (Which makes the womens viewpoint about guys belonging trousers even more hypoctitical)

Once us men are brave enough to start wearing skirts out in public - (I already do as you know) - its my guess it will soon become accepted.


Posted by dave on 2002-02-15 19:42:36

oh i agree - there are cultural differences to consider here.... but don't forget its quite normal for men in certain countries to wear skirts and robe like dresses. In fact we have a lot in Birmingham (UK) that do - I know that for a fact - I live here !!

And yes, once again it all comes down to this bloody religious nonsense.... whats the matter with these people ?? - Don't they have minds of their own anymore ??


========== In Reply To ========== You have to consider the cultural differences. What you say may go for Canada, the US and the UK but what about other countries? We have people from different origins and practicing different religious beleifs. I was surprised too but I think the results reflect the mentallity of the people quite well. I know for exemple that we had a few muslim women here even though they didn't bluntly identified themselves as such. The thing is that people don't allways tell the thruth about themselves. That's the problem with religion. It allways attracts liers and hypocrites.