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Sunday dress code for church (boys and men only)

Dressing up for God

Posted by espoir66 on 2011-03-21 18:07:25

Yes , Edouard, you're right. I have also noticed that in the countries of British tradition like New Zealand , Australia or South Africa people kept the habit of dressing formely according to the circumstances. They seem to have the cult of the uniform. For exemple, I saw in South Africa and NewZealand many sixth-formers still in their school uniforms, short pants, kneesocks, V neck sweater or blazer. It's no more the case here in North America , in the U.S.A. or Canada where the kids wear the same baggy jeans or longs like in France from the primary course. When I made my doctoral sudies in France, I saw on French television that some traditional and conservative private colleges and lycées still made mandatory the wearing of a school uniform. but never the traditional "culottes courtes". There is a school in the North of France where the students are made to wear Tyrolean Lederhosen up to 16 and when they repeat their classes could stay in them up to 17-18 years old. It could have been possible here in Canada forty years ago, but impossible today. Decidedly, there is anymore any dress code for church in our country.

Posted by espoir66 on 2011-03-21 20:30:03

Cher edouard, c'est très simple. Vous vous adressez au responsable de Misterpoll à misterpoll@ misterpoll.com et vous lui dites que vous voulez communiquer en privé avec moi dont le pseudo est Espoir66. Le responsable va alors communiquer avec moi et me demander si je consens à ce qu'il vous divulgue mon adresse électronique. Je dirai évidemment oui. Alors, il vous donnera cette adresse électronique que vous appelez mail et vous pourrez ainsi communiquer avec moi. J'attends donc avec impatience votre premier mail. Vous me semblez un homme de goût, d'ordre, de bienséances et de distinction que je vais sûrement appréciier. Au revoir. Ciao.


Posted by Markus2 on 2011-04-01 14:49:32

Agree with the original message, I do understand the "come as You are"- point of view. Perhaps it´s better to come wearing "baggy jeans" than not to come at all. Still, I would prefer if people would make at least some effort to look neater for the church. Not only honoring God, but other people too. A church is a place of celebration, after all.

I´m not a good christian myself, don´t go to church too often, not even every second month, but still many times a year. But always voluntarely! I could not imagine wearing shortcutts inside any sacred place (church, mosque...) - even wearing only a t-shirt makes me feel uncomfortable inside any curch ar place peple honor (I don´t hesitate wearing shorts and such outside). I´m grown up man now, usually it is a suit and tie to the church I go, during summer perhaps a white shirt and a tie. Usually most other attenders go more (some very) casual, but for me, it is a celebration!

How espoir66 described her mothers "obsessed for outwards looks" and modesty issues brough a smile to my face! There was many similarities in my upbringing! We were regular church goers especially in my early teen years (it was old school and carismatic reformatory church, I attend a different church now). There was some dress codes, generally boys wore at least neat collared shirt and girls nice skirts. My folks were more old school: For me to the church slacks, a white dress shirt and a tie was the minimum! Remember having short dresspants few times for church when about 12-13, but did not like them and luckily parents did prefer long pants too. I attendes Sunday school for teens later on Sunday, and there was some other church activities whole Sunday - my parents (especially mother) made me to dress up whole Sunday, usually did not have to wear a tie after Sunday lunch, but to the activities I always wore at least white dress shirt, again, most other kids were neat too but more casual. At first I hated dressing up to after church activities too (did football - so I was usually the only one in the dressing room with dress shirts and ties, and was teased first), but learned to enjoy dressing up more formally later when about 14-15 and up.

Posted by big_guy on 2011-07-21 16:52:50

I like wearing a 3 piece suit and seeing other thin kids in 3 piece suits and picking fights with them, nothing cooler than seeing a kid in a 3 piece suit lying on the ground knocked out in his suit. I have left 100 kids like this and I have been beaten up 670 times this way, Nothing better than that,