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Sunday dress code for church (boys and men only)

Short trousers & school uniform

Posted by Cornelius19 on 2011-04-29 10:49:38

I am 19 and live in South Africa. I wear my school uniform for Church each Sunday which I attend with my parents and two younger sisters who also wear their school uniforms. My outfit consists of blazer, cap, grey shirt and tie, short grey trousers, grey kneesocks with the turnover top, and smartly polished black lace up shoes.

I wear these clothes for school during the week. I am proud of my school uniform and enjoy wearing it even though I am still in short trousers at 19. Most boys in my sixth form now wear longs but a few of us remain in shorts. All other boys have to wear shorts.

I think it is important to look smart when in the House of God and to show respect for Him and his institutions.


Posted by edouard on 2011-05-06 20:25:03

How lucky you are, Cornelius, to wear such a smart uniform, and to keep wearing short trousers and kneesocks, even though you are 19. Is your uniform exactly the same for Church and for school ? Anyway, you are quite right saying that it is important to look smart to show respect to God ! Edouard

Posted by Cornelius19 on 2011-05-10 07:19:14

Dear Edouard,

You are absolutely right to say I am lucky to be able to continue to wear school uniform and short trousers and knee socks aged 19. I hope I may do so for a little longer yet. I shall be 20 this year and it is possible that I may remain at school for another year which means I could continue in school uniform.

My Sunday uniform is identical to what I wear for school except that I have a 'special' duplicate outfit of blazer and shorts etc that I wear only on Sundays and for special occasions like attending a wedding or a christening.

I tried a pair of long trousers on in the school outfitters a year ago and hated the feel of material around my knees and the look. Short trousers are far more comfortable and look much nicer than longs.



Posted by rogerschoolboy on 2013-06-06 23:49:22

I now live in England but moved here from South Africa last year. I am fifteen years old and when there my school insisted on grey short trousers as well as knee socks with the school colours (green and yellow) round the tops as well as a green blazer and a green school cap for all boys below the Sixth Form. I was really proud of my uniform and loved wearing it. But in England no boys in my grammar school wear shorts. They all wear longs and though we have to wear blazers there are no caps. I hope we can go back to South Africa where boys are boys and grey short trousers are normal wear and also the rest of school uniform including caps and school raincoats in the winter, which is summer here in England! Roger

Posted by richardshortsboy on 2013-06-20 02:53:44


I am 15 and live in new Zealand where it is common for schoolboys to wear grey short trousers and other school uniform. We wear them with school socks and also our blazers and school caps. Mummy makes me wear my full school uniform for church on Sundays but I don't mind because I'm proud of it anyway.
