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What is the best way to remove a large rotten old stump?

Posted by LewisHolland on 2023-07-17 14:04:25

What is the best way to remove a large rotten old stump?

Posted by CollinPierce on 2023-07-17 14:59:03

"The difficulty with large stumps is that they are normally only partially rotten. Portions outside the core are not rotten in the least, are stress wood, and are probably still the strongest potions of the tree.

Stump grinders work, You can rent them. If the stump is large, it is a brutal experience. It is made worse if the tree grew in soil containing large rocks. You will find them when the stump grinder breaks off its expensive teeth.

Contractors with grinders and hydraulic feeds work, They are expensive, and for a large stump, they take an amazing large time. You will also be amazed at how large a mountain of stump grindings will accrue.

If you are away from buildings and people, the traditional “best way” is black powder or dynamite. Or really large excavators.

Stump grinders work if you just want to take the stump down to ground level for lawn or similar. If you want to garden, you must remove deeper and connecting roots. I have used successive cuts with a chainsaw and excavations. Expect many sharpenings or new chains. New chains can be cheaper than renting a stump grinder.

There might be a “best way” but there is no “easy way” nor “cheap way”."

Posted by AlexParton on 2023-07-19 12:29:23

Most importantly, stump grinding removes both the stump and any creeping roots above the surface. Once completed, nothing protrudes from the ground, leaving you with a smooth surface that you can do whatever you want with. Read more here if you need help with stump removal. I've called their workers before and liked that they don't make any upfront fees, so you only pay when you see the results.