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THE Final Fantasy Poll

I'm joining the mud-slinging! (well, sort of) ^_^

Posted by Cassie on 2002-07-11 08:09:59

Okay, first off, despite what others may think and a lot of what is written on this message board, Final Fantasy VIII was one of the best games made. Personally, it was my favorite. It had the untold stories and mysteries that unraveled as the game went on, a wonderful story, and a lot of instances that the player had to figure out for themself (Laguna being Squall's father, all of the kids in the orphanage, the whole Laguna and Julia and now their kids -- Squall and Rinoa--thing). The game was great. Now that does not mean that Final Fantasy VII was not a wonderful game. It had scenarios in more of it's towns, optional characters (something we haven't seen for a while), interesting characters, and a great storyline. I figure that as long as they are Final Fantasy games, they are going to be good -- even if it's only a little (as is the case with Final Fantasy IX). Sorry, I know there are a bunch of you out there who's favorite was Final Fantasy IX, but you must remember that this is strictly opinion. I did not say the game was horrible, I simply put that other people prefer different games. Anyway, I figured I would join the mud-slinging on this message board. Oh and for the record, Final Fantasy III/VI was one of the greatest games out there. Its plot almost made it like two games in one. For those who have never played it, I strongly recommend doing so. But keep in mind, for those of you newbies out there who consider Final Fantasy VII "old-school" and ancient, this game was created before the CG Cinemas and such. When they made Final Fantasy Anthology, they added a few scenes, but they are only accessible if you beat the game -- or if you are impatient and cheat. If Squaresoft ever decided to re-make a game, it should be that one. Keep the same characters (but maybe add a few new secret ones), and all of the same topography, just spruce up the graphics and such. That's about it (for now) and if you get a chance, take my poll: Final Fantasy Above All. Post a message too if you feel up to it. Okay, I'll bother someone else now . . . ^_^ Thanks for your time, Cassie

Posted by Hunter Lani on 2003-11-19 01:09:47

Cassie, You rock!

For once someone agrees with me on FF-VI and FF-VIII (though I like VI a wee bit more ^_^-- the balance of 14 characters in the plot, where each character had their moment in the spotlight; the coolest female lead ever, Terra; a fun battle system that utilizes each characters' unique strengths but also allowing some customization as well; a difficult strategy and secrets to unlock; and one of the most satisfying or unsatisfying endings ever-- depending on how well you play the game).

It totally needs to be remade! De-MIDIfy the music and it's the greatest, Turn pixels to polygons, and psychotic fandom will ensue!

I also love VIII, for the reasons you stated. You said it so eloquently that I feel no need to elaborate.

========== In Reply To ========== Okay, first off, despite what others may think and a lot of what is written on this message board, Final Fantasy VIII was one of the best games made. Personally, it was my favorite. It had the untold stories and mysteries that unraveled as the game went on, a wonderful story, and a lot of instances that the player had to figure out for themself (Laguna being Squall's father, all of the kids in the orphanage, the whole Laguna and Julia and now their kids -- Squall and Rinoa--thing). The game was great...

Oh and for the record, Final Fantasy III/VI was one of the greatest games out there. Its plot almost made it like two games in one. For those who have never played it, I strongly recommend doing so... If Squaresoft ever decided to re-make a game, it should be that one.