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Teen Boys and Crying

Male Crying

Posted by Lover of Wisdom on 2011-07-30 00:07:41

General Crying


Crying in school


Crying at work


Posted by goldenvishnu on 2011-11-19 15:25:37

it is a incident that happened with me.nude punishments was very

common in my family and i have two elder sisters and one uncle.my uncle

always give me nude punishments for any mistake.like nude standing by

holding ears, sometime nude stipulates etc.. my uncle had a friend who

was a doctor(quack) who also watched sometime my nude punishments,when

he came to my home.my worst punishment was given by him.at that time i

was about 14 years old and i was going to be stage of pubirity. In my

family i has two older sisters including parents.we would live in a

small town .one summer i had a itching in my thighs and near my

genitals.so i would itching many times.but after some days it was spread

near my genitals.and due to this i felt sensational in my genitals.so i

used to rub and itch my genitals.many a time my sisters saw that i was

rubbing and itching my genitals ,even some time in front them due to

itching. one day they complained to my mom about this.and mom warned me

to not do so. I told him that i was not doing all this deliberately.next

day mom saw this again that i was rubbing my privates.mom got angry and

said that in evening ,she would took me to doctor for treatment . at

evening my mom and both sister were going to local market so mom called

me to come with her so she could took me to doctor. the town was very

small and there were not good doctors in town .mom used to go a doctor

whom i did not like because he did not have any medical degree but i

could not said to them,as he was favorite doctor of my mom . When we

reached to doctor mom told him about that for few weeks i am rubbing my

genitals. The doctor asked me to remove my pants and underwear for check

for any disease. i pulled down my pants,but i did not want to strip

nude completely in front mom and sisters and there was not any curtain

in that clinic. so i complained to doctor that you should have curtain

in your clinic and a separate room for.........but..while i was saying

this to him suddenly doctor pulled down my undergarments up to my

knees,and exposed my genitals to everyone.everyone were able to watch my small $%!@.i was so shocked at what the

doctor did.but he was not seemed worried,he pushed me to a bench,he made

me lied on that bench and he took-off my underwear by pulling it out

and he lifted my both legs in air and spread it apart for watching for

any disease. he did this all so quickly that i was completely baffled

and feared.i was trying my best to cover my privates by my hands.after

checking he told my mom that i had not any disease.even not any sign of

itching.and i was doing this deliberately.hearing this from doctor mom

got angry and her face turned red.than suddenly doctor said to mom,you

need not to bother,he would be going to give a such punishment that i

would never do this again.by saying this he grabbed my $%!@ in his one

hand and asked my sisters to count up to 20.as he was going to yank my

$%!@ 20 times as a punishment, i was trying to rescue my $%!@ from his

hands but i could not got my $%!@ free from his steely hands.and he

started yanking my $%!@.my sisters were counting 1..2..3..and doctor

was yanking my $%!@ mercilessly.i was almost screaming after each and every

yank.but no one came to rescue me,even mom was too smiling at what-ever i

was getting in clinic.i was struggling with quack to rescue my $%!@ but i could not got success my sisters were watching this with interest that how i was struggling to rescue my $%!@, at this my sisters started laughing more madly and i felt more embarrassed..and the quack continued yanking my $%!@ without listening me and my complaints. after 20 yanking of my $%!@ the doctor left my

genitals and asked from my mom,if it is enough-punishment for me or i

should be more punished.as i heard from doctor,i besieged from mom to

not any more punishment.i promised her i wold not do this again.and then

mom and sisters said to doctor to leave me and it is enough punishment

for me for today. when i came out from clinic my face was burning red

due to embarrassment and humiliation.and it was causing extreme pain in

my $%!@ it was not only paining but also burning.but it was a strange

and exciting experience for my mom and sisters because they did not seem

worry about what happened.whole way back to home from clinic my sisters

were teasing me by asking me, how is your $%!@?is it itching? or is it

feeling pain? when i reached home my sisters told this to my aunt and female cousins and they started laughing madly at this incident. since than my sisters always tease me how brutally my $%!@

was molested by doctor. since that day i have to do all work of my

sisters like washing their dirty clothes and iron them,sweeping their

rooms.preparing tea and coffee.etc.if i do refused to do so, they

threats me to call the same doctor in home for my further

punishments.thus they made me afraid of quack quite long time....

Posted by shaun h on 2012-08-07 13:27:53

I'm 18 and feel totally normal when I cry. I cry when we win at sports, when my girlfriend and I see a sad movie, when my dog died, if I hear "Nimrod" by Elgar, if someone hurts my feelings, and a host of other reasons. Don't believe these folks who say that guys don't cry, it's a load of bull! Look at the Italians, they cry over virtualy anything, and nobody thinks they're wimps. If a guy can't express how he feels, then it's a sad day for this country of ours. Besides, keeping your feelings bottled up is bad for your mental and physical well-being. If you want to cry, go ahead, it's perfectly natural. My girlfriend says that it was my ability to express my feelings that first attracted me to her, as most guys she knew before were so tightly wound up, nothing could EVER make them let their true feelings out. We're all made with the capacity to cry, so why suppress it?