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Survey on Abortion

The Pro-life movement is a sham

Posted by Dennis De Porter on 2001-11-13 13:01:56

========== In Reply To ========== Yes, I do believe you're being picky. Just because the person forgot the word human in there you had to be so sarcastic and cynical. Maybe it is horrible that there's a bunch of kids in orphanages, and maybe it is horrible that parents beat their children. There's some horrible people in the world.

But I don't say I'm a Pro-Life person. I'm not pro-life in the sense that everyone thinks. I'm not a lunatic that attacks abortion doctors and bombs clinics. I'm not a hypocrite that says they're against all forms of abortion and then put yes to the final rape question. I am against abortion for one simple belief. Ultimately, God is the creator of this world and He has the exclusive right to bring forth new life. It's horrible that people get raped, but I believe there's a reason for everything, no matter how horrible.

And in all other cases where a woman would want to get an abortion, I don't understand it at all. If you didn't want a baby, maybe you should have been more careful. Maybe you should have read up a little more on the effectiveness of certain types of birth control. Otherwise, face up to the consequences instead of throwing them away like garbage.

I'm going to provide to you the URL to a commentary that was made a few years ago about Dan Quayle's response to a question from Al Gore regarding abortion. I think the person who made this commentary made quite a few good points whether he/she is for or against abortion, sarcastic or sincere. It pretty much voices my beliefs and thoughts better than I ever could.


Peace always,


What you forget is that a large number of people do not believe that a fetus in the earlier stages of developemnt do not consider the fetus to be human at all. Hence, an abortion is "destroying" nothing. A large number of people believe that getting an abortion is like pulling a tooth.

Posted by speaker of truth on 2001-11-13 21:02:15

Dennis, If anyone truly believes that a fetus is not a human, then they are 100% IGNORANT.The moment the egg is fertilized it begins to grow and develop, which means LIFE not death.It is a living organism.But a living what?Well, it is not a horse, or a dog or cat.It is not a tree or a tomato plant.It is a HUMAN and I think deep down you know that.Resist the evil part of your nature.You will be much happier if you do.Regardless, MURDERERS cannot be tolerated in civilized society.

Posted by Tom US Navy on 2003-01-11 06:17:36

Abortions for rape victims

In cases of a woman aborting her baby because she was raped, that is unconscionable to take a child's life because of the crimes commited by his or her father. A good example shown was in the excellent film Rob Roy, where the wife was pregnant with a baby after being raped by the villian. The husband chose to raise the baby and said "it is not the baby's fault all of this happened"

Posted by jennaxx on 2006-08-30 06:18:27

People who want white babies have to wait a long time. I've read that only 1 out of 20 black babies ever finds a permanent home. Are you really going to tell some scared 14 year girl that not only must she have her body destroyed (pregnancy does some horrific things to your body), become ostracized by her peers, and have to wait the overwhelming pain of birth and having to give up her baby, but that very same baby might never find a home and most likely will be forced into one abusive foster home after another? If all the anti-abortists (I refuse to call them prolife since they care nothing about the mother's life) care so much about these children, they should follow Mia Farrows' lead and adopt as many of them as they can. As for ending abortions, only better (not abstainance only) sex education and birth control will do that. Women had abortions when they were illegal, and they will have them again if Roe V. Wade is overturned.