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should kids be taught about gays in school


Posted by *~rabbit*~ on 2003-06-02 01:09:40

im not against gays at all, but i just dont really think its necessary for kidds to learn about it in school.....u dont learn about straight people so why gay people?

Posted by Chriswatkins1056 on 2006-04-11 09:19:51

im not against gays at all, but i just dont really think its necessary for kidds to learn about it in school.....u dont learn about straight people so why gay people?

Wait! What do you mean we don't learn about straight people? What did they teach you in Biology class? That babies come from storks? Of course schools teach about hetrosexuality because it is nessesary for procreation and it is considered normal. Why then can't they teach that some people choose to have sex with the same gender? They don't have to teach that it's normal, just what it is and how the gay rights groups have affected our culture.

Posted by totoro on 2008-03-31 03:03:13

It's not a choice, it's how we are!!!!!!!!! Of course it's normal, and kids that are gay should be taught that it's normal so they don't suffer from depression. It's pathetic that despite all of the scientific evidence that shows that homosexuality is normal and exists throughout nature that some people CHOOSE to be ignorant about it.