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In-Depth Study of Men in Womens Clothing

Women Wear Men's Clothes

Posted by Donald Dumpsfiels on 2011-12-30 20:31:57

The clothes that women wore in the 20th Century were what men wore in the 18th Century.

Posted by wyld_thyng on 2011-12-31 04:30:39

That is true for the most part, most noticeably men wore frilly shirts and long embroidered topcoats. Skirts were widely used from the beginning of time to the 1500s and 1600s. There is some evidence that dulling down the male wardrobe did not take firm hold until the colonization of America with a more rugged attire for the new, hostile, world.

For hundreds of years, men were most frequently seen in 3/4 length pants and stockings (the quality of stocking was usually observed as a measure of the mans wealth and status). Now known as Capri's, I doubt men today would wear something that was so commonplace a few hundred years ago.

Thanks for the input.