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A note about this poll...

Posted by Captain Fantastic on 2012-01-30 16:33:50

I have a message for all you abortion foes out there--think about this: If life begins at the moment of conception, when the heartbeat begins, then how do you explain the fact that we indicate a person's "date of birth" as the day that the baby comes out into the world and is given a name, and not before?

Posted by Caitiff_Primogen on 2012-01-31 00:07:18

Dude! Your logic is really flawed (and I'm pro-choice like you)

The date of birth is the date of birth. There's a clue in the name ;) It measures age from when the child is able to live independantly, and not rely on the nutrients via the mother's umbilical cord.

And some babies are named before birth. Although we wait until they've left the womb for legal naming purposes.

Did you know some still-births are christened?

A better argument is: Don't like abortion? Don't have one then.