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Is the United States math system going to change to Metrics or not?

Don't Worry

Posted by U S A on 2012-07-05 13:46:38

Don't worry, we're inching our way there.

Posted by Studs Johanson on 2012-09-20 22:00:38

The Repubs ought to drop mitt for Paris Hilton. She is clueless but would not classify soldiers in a war zone as parasites. She has a net worth of $100 million in spite of being a high school drop out. In 20 years she won't be as old as Mitt is now and very easily be worth $400 million. Paris does not work hard at making money and has a business backed by a small office staff with a real product, Paris. Mitt is a minister in the Church of the LDS which means he is a slave to the Church's board in Salt Lake City. Mitt never produced anything in the business world even though he has papers from the top colleges in the world.